Everything is history if it is recorded. Yet all recorded history is from the view of the victor or those in charge. What if Hitler won World War II? How would he write history? What if the South had been allowed to leave the Union peacefully in 1861? How would history be rewritten? Or what if the South had won? What about Native American history or the destruction of it? Give me your thoughtful opinion (thesis) in "your own" words to back up your stance. Use the source as a reference point, not your argument, and make a final prediction of the future.
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What if the South Left the Union Peacefully in 1861?
Would America be in a better place without the South? It is a well-known fact that
President Abraham Lincon’s election to office was a major reason for the Southern states prompt
to secede from the Union. Eichhorn (2) asserts that the shift of power was perceived to be
threatening, especially to the Southerners who favored Slavery, while the northerners including
Abraham Lincoln opposed it. After the 1860 elections were held, South Carolina was the first
state to exit the Union and the others followed in January 1861 (L...