NOVA Vincent Price Discussion

User Generated



Northern Virginia Community College


Discuss the experience of hearing and seeing a short story acted and recited by discussing both prompts: 

Is Vincent Price's interpretation close to what you imagined when you read the story?

How does Price convey the sense of the narrator as unreliable, ie: either justified in his revenge or simply as a madman

  1. (If you need a written version to follow, use the story itself as a guide, and/or click on the CC icon to the right on the screen - this gives the Closed Captioning option, which will give you subtitles. They aren't perfect, but a help maybe. The story is a better source.)

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer




Short Discussion



From early modern drama to the theatre of 20thcentury, stage palsy have been realized in
films. However, this process have had significant impacts. For instance, there have always been
observable difference in the between the film version and written script of plays or a stories. The
Cast of Amontillado is one of the plays that have been produced in film version. Like many other
pays that have undergone this process, there is significant difference between Vincent Price's
version of "The Cast of Amontillado and Poes original version of the story. There are several
things missing in the video as well as several alterations. I find Poe’s version creepier and
effectively conveys the narrator as unreliable and insane. Poes original version of the story has
several scenes that have been omitted in the price version that makes us understand more about
Montresor’s unreliable behavior compared to Price’s version.
From Poe’s version we get to understand that Montresor is not acti...

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