Social Studies Histories Lesson Plan Worksheet

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i will attached a blank lesson plan which will need to be based on 2nd or 3 grade. it needs to include a PE TEK, a Health TEK and a core TEK which i want to make it for social studies, you can look at the example i provided from a previous lesson plan i created and from there you can follow through, if any questions i am here to help but i do need this ASAP

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PAOLA BECERRIL Title of Lesson: Content Area TEKS: PE or Health TEKS: Student Learning Objectives: Activity Analysis: 7-Step Process Step 1: Name of Activity Step 2: Objective(s) of activity Step 3: Movement Concept(s) used Step 4: Movement Category(ies) used Step 5: Movement Element(s) used Step 6: What do you expect children to be able to comprehend at the end of this activity? Step 7: Write the activity, in its entirety, here [you would write this out as a step by step instruction of how to do your activity. Write it as if a substitute is taking over your class and you want to make sure he/she teaches it exactly how you would. Closure: Assessment: Paola Becerril Professor Butler September 23, 2019 Title of Lesson: Problem solving Content and Grade Level : Mathematics, Grade 2nd Content Area TEKS: 114.4 Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations in order to solve addition and subtraction problems with efficiency and accuracy. The student is expected to: (A) recall basic facts to add and subtract within 20 with automaticity; (B) add up to four two-digit numbers and subtract two-digit numbers using mental strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and properties of operations; (C) solve one-step and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms; and (D) Generate and solve problem situations for a given mathematical number sentence involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers within 1,000. PE or Health TEKS: 116.4 (3) Physical activity and health. The student exhibits a health enhancing, physically-active lifestyle that improves health and provides opportunities for enjoyment and challenge. The student is expected to: (A) describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment and challenge; (B) participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that cause increased heart rate, breathing rate, and perspiration; (C) participate in appropriate exercises for flexibility in shoulders, legs, and trunk; and (D) lift and support his/her weight in selected activities that develop muscular strength and endurance of the arms, shoulders, abdomen, back, and legs such as hanging, hopping, and jumping. Student Learning Objectives: After participating in a physical activity that involves problem solving, The learners will be able to solve problems with numbers which includes adding and subtracting. Activity Analysis: 7-Step Process Step 1: Name of Activity Agility ladder solving Step 2: Objective(s) of activity Jump carefully to avoid physical injuries. Use movement in an academic activity to enhance learning. 1. Relationship 2. Space 3. Body 1.Relationship • People • Position Step 3: Movement Concept(s) used Step 4: Movement Category(ies) used 2. Space • Location • Direction 3.Body • Movement of the whole body in a limited space Step 5: Movement Element(s) used Step 6: What do you expect children to be able to comprehend at the end of this activity? 1.Relationship • Individual 2.Space • Outdoors 3.Body • Stand and stretch • Jump The students will be able to understand that physical activities is a great way to learn. Step 7: Write the activity, in its entirety, here [you would write this out as a step by step instruction of how to do your activity. Write it as if a substitute is taking over your class and you want to make sure he/she teaches it exactly how you would. Say 1. We are going to do a learning activity that requires movement. 2. We will be go outdoors next to the playground. 3. I will have an agility ladder on the floor and in each block in between there will be a paper with a word problem solving question that the student will have to solve. 4. I will have them stretch before we start. 5. The students will line up behind each other. 6. While the student waits for its turn, they will be jumping in place. 7. When is the students turn he or she will jump to the first square in the agility ladder and read the problem. 8. I will be right next to them helping to solve the problem. 9. The word problems contain answers with larger numbers to add up and subtract. 10. The student can only jump to the next square if the answer is right. 11. I will approve of the answer based on my knowledge. 12. There will be 10 questions asked 13. The students that makes it all the way through will receive a homework pass. 14. After all the students participated I will go through each of the problems and explain the answers for better understanding. Closure: Review the adding and subtracting larger numbers. Modified student in the wheelchair, he will be next to the agility ladder answering the same questions and can only move forward if the answer is right. Assessment: Students will be able to answer a math word problem that includes larger numbers within 1,000. On the other side they will have physical activity and will enjoy while learning.
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Content and Grade Level: History, Grade 2
Content Area TEKS: 113.13 Social Studies-Histories. The student understands the
historical importance of celebrations and landmarks in the nation, state, and community.
The student is expected to:
(A) explain the significance of various national, state, and community celebrations such
as Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Independence Day; and
(B) Identify and explain the importance of various national, state, and community
landmarks such as government buildings and monuments.
(C) The student will begin to develop the concept of time and historical chronology.
(D) Students will be able to identify the function of the government as well as the
various services provided by the federal and local governments.
(E) Students will acquire the knowledge of symbols, culture, and the American customs
that represents that American beliefs and principles.
(F) The students will be able to articulate and communicate what they have learned in
oral, written and visual for...

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