FIN4443 South Florida Fitzpatrick Lincoln Sports Equipment Capital Budgeting Case 27 Discussion

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Business Finance


University of South Florida


1. Introduction / Background of the Case (Sufficient background on the case and previews major points)( 2page)

2. Assumptions (State specifically what assumptions are being made, Justify assumptions) (2 pages)

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Case 27

Lincoln sports Equipment Capital Budgeting 

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Explanation & Answer


Case Information
The given case is one concerning a man’s passion for baseball and his knack for
designing sports products with minimal to moderate success. Brian Fitzpatrick, his firm’s CFO,
is passionate about baseball, playing on numerous teams and going out of his way to create
products that would appeal to both players and appreciators of the sport. According to the case,
Fitzpatrick created a type of cleat that, though it is nothing necessarily new or technologically
progressive, would provide players with better mobility and surpass the current trend of cleats
especially considering that metal spikes had been banned and current cleats, though made of
plastic, do not provide players with the necessary mobility they require to make fast turns.
Fitzpatrick’s idea, though not necessarily the most innovative, makes use of the current
trend in cleats but improves upon it by adding plastic circular ridges in row on the sole of the
cleat which should, allegedly, help with both safety and mobility on the field. After creating five
dozen of the shoes, Fitzpatrick’s prototype cleat was dispersed amongst three local high schools
to gauge whether the shoe had the potential to surpass any other design and if they would at least
be well liked amongst the community that plays baseball. The response was positive from the
youths which gave Fitzpatrick and Lincoln, the firm he works for, the affirmation that it was time

to start considering manufacturing the shoe ...

Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.


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