ITS631 Cumberlands Operational Excellence & Application Security Reflection Paper

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University of the Cumberlands


* Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the work place, If you were a full time student and took 2 courses, you should write a total of 400-500 words).

ITS-631-06 Operational Excellence.

ISOL-534-20 Application Security.

I am a full time student.

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go. In case of any further inputs please let me know!All the best!I appreciate working with you!

The connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or
could be, applied in the workplace
Operational Excellence
Operational excellence refers to carrying out of an internal business strategy consistently and
reliably focusing on the needs of customers rather than worrying about what the competition is
doing. The above concept gets based on the fact that success can get achieved by focusing on
what matters the most and ignoring competition. This concept is applicable in the workplace in
such a way...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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