BIO302 SUNY College Modification to the Expected Mendalian Ratio Questions

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Your Exam 2 scores are up on Blackboard. I was pleased with how you did on the exam.

There were two "errors" in the exam, and I apologize for them.

The "errors" were as follows:

1). Question 15: There were no possible correct answers given

2). Question 21: Was out of the scope of the course. .

As such, I have given everybody the two points for those questions. This keeps the test scores at: out of 34.

As such, I am going to again offer you the opportunity to earn extra credit. Please note the format has changed slightly.

So, how much extra credit can you earn? 1/3 point for each point you missed. How do you earn this extra credit?

You need to prepare a typed word document with your name and ID number on the top of it. Then for each question missed please follow the following format:

(Question #)

A. Write out the question.

B. What answer did you pick?

C. In your own words, why was the answer you picked wrong? You need to identify why the answer you picked could not be the answer.

D. What was the correct answer?

E. Where did you find the information that helped you better understand the question. For example on pg 22 of the book it says….. Or Bodan taught me that…..

F. In your own words, you need to explain why this is the correct answer.

Other instructions:

1. Please use all your resources to help you. You should use your textbook, notes, classmates, tutors, and me to better understand the test and the correct answers. However, when you write your answers, you can use your textbook and your notes as sources, but NOT other people to help you write your explanations and your ANSWERS NEED TO BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

2. If the formatting of your questions does not match the format given above, you will not be awarded extra credit.

3. I will check your work more thoroughly this time. If I find any incorrect answers, you will not be awarded any extra credit. Again, this is an all or none offer. Please be more careful than last time, now that you have tried this one time you should have a better understanding of what it takes to do this well and my evaluation of your efforts will be less lenient.

- I will tell you the questions that I got incorrect to save you the trouble. In the pictures I post, it will be of the entire exam. The answer key is on the bottom. I've circled the answers I got correct. It says you should type the questions also. It is test corrections, but the professor has a format as the one shown above. For the part where it says why I picked the answer, please provide a reason why you think someone would pick that. Thank you. The questions I missed are as follow: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35.

The rest of the photos cannot upload There are 5 more. I'm just sending the exam and answer keys.

Version 3

  • 1.E
  • 2.B
  • 3.B
  • 4.C
  • 5.E
  • 6.D
  • 7.B
  • 8.C
  • 9.E
  • 10.E
  • 11.B
  • 12.B
  • 13.D
  • 14.D
  • 15.No correct answer
  • 16.B
  • 17.E
  • 18.E
  • 19.A
  • 20.D
  • 21.Omitted
  • 22.C
  • 23.C
  • 24.B
  • 25.D
  • 26.D
  • 27.C
  • 28.A
  • 29.E
  • 30.A
  • 31.C
  • 32.C
  • 33.E
  • 34.A
  • 35.A
  • 36.B
  • 37.E

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Explanation & Answer

Hey buddy ...I have completed your first assignment...please check through and let me know if you might need any edits


Running Head: EXAM ONE

Institution Affiliation



Question 1: Which of the following will result in modification to the expected Mendalian
I picked out option C.I had an idea of the Mendelian ratios. Still, I was not sure of all the
modifications, and I, therefore, opted to choose gene interaction as I knew the modification had
something to do with genes.
The correct answer is E.I checked through the notes to get the modification, which involved
Epistasis, incomplete penetrance, Gene interaction, and incomplete dominance. These factors
interact, and this interaction of genes aims at controlling single phenotypes.
3. Independent assortment predicts a 9:3:3:1 ratio with four different phenotypes in the F2
progeny .If the alleles are epistatic, what would you predict?
I picked out options C.I was not sure which one to pick since all I could remember was four
phenotypes and heterozygotes. I was, therefore, somehow confused with the options.
The correct answer is B.From our class notes I was able to see that epistasis results in phenotypes
that are less than four and there is an interchange of the ratio
4. Given these results from a complementation analysis with mutants A-Which mutants are
in the same complementation group as mutant C?
I chose option B.I was not sure which groups matched Mutant C.I, therefore, opted for A as it has
The correct answer is C. Both A, E had the same mutant as C and this, and from the class notes, I
confirmed the complementation sequence.
5. ---------Bacterial strains require nutritional supplements to grow in a minimal medium.
I opted for option A.I thought that light would supplement the growth of bacteria from the name



The correct answer is E.Hartwell defined auxotrophic as the inability to synthesize specific organic
compounds that have needed for growth. Hence, auxotrophic bacteria was the best answer
(Hartwell, 2011).
6.A branched biochemical pathway synthesizes two related essential amino acids D and F.A
mutant defective for enzyme 2 will grow on minimal medium supplemented with which of
the following (choose the answer for which both supplements will produce growth when
added individually to the medium?
I chose option B.I was not sure which is which and I guessed option B
The correct answer is D.From class notes supplementation of the chains C and D stimulate the
growth of the mutant enzyme.
7. You are looking at the color of feathers in ducks and find that yellow ducks are dominant
to green ducks.However, a second gene Controls whether the color will be expressed in the
feathers. If the duck is hh the duck will always be white, because the pigment does not go
onto feathers. What ratio of phenotypes would you expect following a dihybrid cross?
I chose option C.I thought that the ratio would be so convenient for the 13:3 in the dihybrid
The Correct answer is B.The Dihybrid cross occurs where different genes and lines are crossed,
and they differ in the traits observed. This gene crossing affects the phenotypic ratio,and the ratio
of ducks most accurate would be 9:3:4, according to the class notes.
8. The alleles of linked genes tend to be.
I chose option B.Based on what I ha...

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