BIO302 SUNY College Heterogeneous Crossing Exam Questions Answers

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SUNY College at Brockport



The "errors" were as follows:

1). There were two possible answers for question 24.

2). Question 5 was easy to misconstrue given its placement in the test. It appeared to some to read as part of the "section" above. This lead people to chose the wrong answer.

3). I was not happy with the wording on question 22. I think the wording was odd and that may have made it more difficult for you to chose the correct answer.

As such, I have given everybody three extra points added to the score they earned. I considered dropping the questions, but given that many people spent time on the questions and did answer them correctly, I thought this to be as fair a solution as I could come up with.

Some of you may still not be happy with your grade.

If you are not happy with your grade, I offer you the opportunity to earn extra credit. This offer for extra credit is on this first exam and only on this first exam. I will NOT be offering extra credit on future exams. I am offering this extra credit opportunity on this first exam for two reasons. I want to encourage those of you who need to put more work into learning the basics set out in Ch 02-04, before we build more knowledge on top in subsequent chapters. Additionally, I acknowledge thatI am new to this course and was making adjustments in how I was teaching the material over these first lectures.

So, how much extra credit can you earn? 1/3 point for each point you missed. How do you earn this extra credit?

You need to prepare a typed word document with your name and ID number on the top of it. Then for each question missed please follow the following format:

A. (Question #)

B. Write out the question.

C. What answer did you pick?

D. In your own words, why was the answer you picked wrong? You need to identify why the answer you picked could not be the answer.

E. What was the correct answer?

F. In your own words, you need to explain why this was the correct answer.

Other instructions:

1. Please use all your resources to help you. You should use your textbook, notes, classmates, tutors, and me to better understand the test and the correct answers. However, when you write your answers, you can use your textbook and your notes as sources, but NOT other people to help you write your explanations and yourANSWERS NEED TO BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

2. You need to submit answers for questions 5, 22 if you got them incorecct and for question 24 even if you got it correct. For question 5, please read as if the question was completely isolated, not following the previous questions. For question 22, please chose the first stage at which the homologous chromosomes are physically separated into different cells. For question 24, please explain which two answers are correct and why.

4. If the formatting of your questions does not match the format given above, you will not be awarded extra credit.

5. I will check your work. If I find any incorrect answers, you will not be awarded any extra credit. Basically, this is an all or none offer.

- I will tell you the questions that I got incorrect to save you the trouble. In the pictures I post, it will be of the entire exam. The answer key is on the bottom. I've circled the answers I got correct. It says you should type the questions also. It is test corrections, but the professor has a format as the one shown above. For the part where it says why I picked the answer, please provide a reason why you think someone would pick that. Thank you. The questions I missed are as follow: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,22,26,27,31,32,33,34,35,37,38,

The rest of the photos cannot upload There are 4 more. I'm just sending the exam images as a guide


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8) Humans have a gene, "T" that is involved in muscle formation of the tongue. Individuals with the one allele can roll their tongues, while individuals with the other allele cannot.

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Explanation & Answer



Running Head: EXAM TWO

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Running Head: EXAM TWO


2. In a pea plant that is heterogeneous for seed color, what proportion of gametes will carry
the recessive allele?
I chose option B.I was very much convinced that option B was the answer, but I had not enough
confidence to change it.
The correct answer is C.Based on our class notes I confirmed how heterogeneous crossing occurs
and Option C is the most accurate.
3. Crosses in which F1 plants heterozygous for a given allele are crossed to generate a 3:1
phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation are known as.
I chose option Generation of 3:1 ratio convinced me that the crosses were reciprocal, and I went
for option B.
The correct answer is From my research I discovered that in monohybrid cross, there is mixing
between homozygous genotypes or recessive alleles, and it results in opposite phenotypes from
the genetic trait (Rita, M.2003). With this information, Option, C is the most correct.
4.In Lilies, White flowers (W) are dominant to purple flowers (w).If two plants that are
heterozygous for flower color are mated, the genotypic ratio of the offspring would be?
I chose option A.I had not read this area well, and so I guessed that the answer is A.
The correct answer is from the class notes I read and understood the crosslinking of both
homozygous and heterozygous alleles. In this case, the crossing of heterozygous (Ww) yields a
ratio of 1:2:1 making E the correct answer.
5. The law of independent assortment would predict that F2 progeny of F1 heterozygous
plants will exhibit a

Running Head: EXAM TWO


I chose option A.Based on my understanding of the question I reasoned and found option A to be
the answer.
The correct answer is D.According to my research. The law of independent assortment indicates
that alleles of different genes are sorted into the gametes of each other independently (Neil A.
2011). Based on Mendelian argument, I found the most accurate phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1.
6. A dihybrid cross yields 320F2 offspring. How many are expected to resemble the
homozygous recessive parental?
I chose option C.I was confused about the dihybrid crossing, and I guessed the answer to be C.
The correct answer is D.I checked my class notes on the topic dihybrid crossing. From this
concept, I believe that D is the right answer.
7. What phenotypic ratio would you expect because of a test cross between a dihybrid
organism and one that is homozygous recessive for alleles at two independent loci?
I chose option A as the answer. Based on what I had read on the homozygous crossing of alleles
that are recessive option A to me was the most correct.
The correct answer is E.Based on my research using class notes I noted the ratio of such crossing
of dihybrid and homozygous alleles yields an equal rate. The most appropriate answer I believe
is, therefore, E, which is 1:1:1:1 ratio.
8. Humans have a gene T that is involved in muscle formation of the toungue.Individuals
with the one allele can roll their tongues while individuals with the other allele cannot. If
both the parents can roll their tongues but their child cannot what can be said to be the
mode of inheritance?

Running Head: EXAM TWO


I chose option D.Based on my understanding of the question I knew that the mode of inheritance
was recessive, but for the homozygous or heterozygous part I was not sure, and s...

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