Leadership Theory and Current Role in Health and Wellness Discussion

User Generated


Health Medical


Ethical and Leadership Principles of Health and Wellness Management

APA Formatting

Graduate level writing

5 pages in length

6 or more references with each reference cited in-text.

My current and future role train and coach.

Choose a leadership theory or two that best describes you in your current role in health and wellness, or in a future role in which you see yourself.

Describe your leadership style/theory in detail and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this style related to a position in health and wellness.

Would you recommend your style to other individuals, why or why not?

The essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.





http://www.mim.ac.mw/books/Making%20Sense%20of%20Change%20Management,%203rd%20edition.pdf(Chapter 4)

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Explanation & Answer

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Leadership Theory and Current Role in Health and Wellness



Leadership Theory and Current Role in Health and Wellness
Effective and successful leaders in the modern work environment need to consistently
maintain high levels of impact on their teams and organizations. They are knowledgeable
individuals that understand the need for practicing and nurturing positive attributes to achieve
sustainable effects. Such people also have a clear distinction of leadership, which is doing the
right things, and management which is doing things right. Leaders are categorized based on their
characters that are defined by different leadership theories. The following discussion explores
my leadership theories that best describe my current role in health and wellness. My current and
future role as a leader is to train and coach team members and, therefore, the most suitable style
is democratic and coach leadership.
Democratic Leadership
In this leadership style, leaders make decisions based on the contribution of each team
member. Although the leader is the ultimate decision-maker, the rest of the subordinates have
equal opportunities for determining the directions. This leadership style is among the most
effective approaches that allow lower-level employees to exercise their powers to determine the
future of the team. It resembles decision making in a board meeting. The leaders can give a few
options and open room for discussion on each of the possibilities. The opinions of the members
are considered, and they can even be requested to vote on a decision. It aims to build a consensus
by engaging others, and it is most effective when the leaders need to incorporate the inputs of
other qualified team members in planning, goal setting, or need fresh ideas. Democratic
leadership style is effective in training and coaching team members since it encourages them to



set workable goals (Benincasa, 2012). It acknowledges their achievements to motivate the

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