300 words, references and citation, needed 6 hrs

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To Drink or Not to Drink

For a long time mothers have been warned about drinking any amount of alcohol while pregnant for fear of their child being born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). However over the past few years reports are starting to come out stating that a couple of glasses of wine a week during a pregnancy is ok. In fact some doctors are saying this can be healthy for the baby because it relaxes the mother and lowers her level of stress.

Before you start this week’s discussion read the two Opposing Viewpoint articles below, and conduct your own research on the web concerning this issue. Then answer the following questions.

  • What are the symptoms and long term prognoses for a child born with FAS?
  • What are the risks to the baby if the mother suffers from chronic stress throughout the pregnancy?
  • Based on all you have read do you feel that the benefits of lowered stress levels by the mother outweigh the minor risks of drinking a glass of wine on a regular basis? Make sure to support your point of view with information from the source(s) you read. The following articles are attached above as possible resources for your discussion.

Human DevelopmentNew Human DevelopmentAny Alcohol Use During Pregnancy Is Harmful.pdf
Human DevelopmentNew Human DevelopmentThe Risks of Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy Have Been Exaggerated.pdf

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