How Culture Affects Innovation

User Generated


Business Finance

Ashford University


The discussion of how different countries’ governments are involved in the innovation process is a reflection of the culture of those countries. How do you believe the culture of the country in which your selected business is located and its view of innovation influence the organization’s climate for innovation? What should managers take into consideration when planning for innovation based on these factors?

Minimum of 250 words.

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Explanation & Answer

Hey there, I have completed the assignment. Please find attached. It’s nice working with you. Feel free to contact me if you need anything. Goodbye😃

How Culture Affects Innovation
Thesis Statement: My solar panel business is located in Saudi Arabia. As far as culture is
concerned, I do believe that a country’s culture will affect the organization’s climate of
1. How the Culture of the Country Influences the Organization’s Climate for Innovation
2. How the Country’s View of Innovation Influences the Organization’s Climate for
3. What Managers Should Take Into Consideration


How Cul...

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