Research Paper on correction

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University of Akron


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Research Paper We have covered various topics regarding the correctional system. The purpose of this assignment is to learn more about the correctional system in the U.S., and more specifically, the state of Ohio. Using the listed sources and other public reports, answer the questions below. Questions 1. National statistics 1-1. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics report published in 2018, the number of persons supervised by the U.S. adult correctional systems dropped for the ninth consecutive year by 2016. True or false? 1-2. According to the same report, the correctional populations declined during 2016 due to decreases in both the community supervision and incarcerated populations. True or false? 1-3. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report published in 2019, among the 48,000 youth offenders in residential correctional facilities in 2015, girls accounted for 15%. True or false? 1-4. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report published in 2018, most juvenile residential facilities reported that the youth in their facilities attend school in 2016. True or false? 2. State prisons 2-1. What is the name of the agency that oversees and operates the state prisons in Ohio? 2-2. What is the mission statement of this agency? 2-3. Under the state prison system, which facility is responsible for housing female inmates? 2-4. Choose one state facility and report the information below: • Name • Location • Security level • Total number of staff • Number of inmates • Name one program provided in the institution 3. Community correctional service Alvis house, Oriana house, and Talbert house are major agencies that serve the correctional population in the community. Choose one agency and report the information below: • • • • Name Brief description about the agency Service area Three types of services provided by the agency 4. Juvenile corrections 4-1. What is the name of the agency that operates the state-level facilities for juvenile offenders? 4-2. What is the mission of this agency? Suggested sources • • • • • • • • Bureau of Justice Statistics – Corrections: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – Juveniles in Corrections: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – Juveniles on Probation: Ohio Department of Correction and Rehabilitation: Roadmap Correctional Institution Inspection Committee: Ohio Department of Youth Services: Ohio Community Corrections Association:
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Criminal Justice System
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Course Title


Criminal Justice System
The criminal justice system denotes a set of processes and agencies formulated by
governments to manage crimes and enforce penalties on people who contravene laws. The United
States depends on different systems. Operations of these systems depend on the underlying
authority, which can be the state, tribal government, city, county, or federal government. The major
systems are the state and federal criminal justice systems with five significant components that
include defense attorneys, corrections, law enforcement, courts, and prosecution. This essay delves
into the element of corrections in the U.S. with a focus on the state of Ohio.
National Statistics Reports
Correctional systems rely on officers to monitor convicted offenders who are in prison, in
jail, or on parole. The main objective of correctional officers is to ensure facilities and communities
that host wrongdoers are safe and secure. Besides, the officers formulate pre-sentencing material
with comprehensive background information regarding wrongdoers that help juries decide
sentences. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) contains essential data about correctional systems.
Highlights from the BJS report produced in 2...

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