How Can We Bridge the Differences that Divide Us?

User Generated



English 101


Your suppose to choose Yes and u support it with 3 of the articles/sources I will provide to help you answer the question which is “How Can We Bridge the Differences that Divide Us?”

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Explanation & Answer



A. Topic/focus of the essay
B. Thesis Statement


First paragraph description

A. Summary of first piece of supporting evidence/information
B. Summary of second piece of supporting evidence/information

Second paragraph description

A. Summary of first piece of supporting evidence/information
B. Summary of second piece of supporting evidence/information

Third paragraph description

A. Summary of first piece of supporting evidence/information
B. Summary of second piece of supporting evidence/information


A. Restatement of thesis
B. Concluding remarks

Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Course title
22nd November

Political and social context

American citizens are divided among themselves based on both the social and political
context. For instance, there are low-income individuals, middle class, and those in high socioeconomic status. This division in the social context has created social stratification among
American citizens. Politically some people are either conservative or liberal in political parties of
their preferences (Jonathan Haidt,2018, pg. 324). The political context has translated to different
leaders they elect to Congress to represent their needs. Americans have used political affiliation
as well as their social identity as factors to show division among themselves, especially among
the working-class people.
Why working-class people vote for the conservatives
The working class tends to vote for the conservatives because they know that their
interests, especially the economic benefits, would be protected. The working class considers
conservatives to have some form of generous palate that guides their principles. This is the
reason why rich people quickly buy their manifestos. One of the conservative’s manifesto states
about economic interests. The conservatives always claim that they would protect their people's
interests by cutting taxes they could be subjected to by the state government. The poor people, at
some point, have been lured to the same trait of attaining some economic benefits by being

promised that all the economic challenges facing them would be settle...

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