1. Using a Microsoft Word document, please discuss the case involving the United States of America versus Ross Ulbrecht.

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On April 18, 2016, The United States Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari (refused to review the lower court’s ruling) in the case of Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., 804 F. 3d 202 - Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2015.

Tell me what you would do if you were the Supreme Court.


That case let stand the ruling of the Court of Appeals which can be found at the following website:

https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=2220742578695593916&q=Authors+Guild+v.+Google+Inc&hl=en&as_sdt=4000006 last accessed February 9, 2019.

Please write a 500-word summary of fair use as this court decision says it.

APA style citation.

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Rubric for Assignment submission Criterion Description Points possible Content 35 Student accurately summarizes the effects of this Supreme Court decision Word Count At least 500 words 5 Total Points possible 40
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Hi bro, find attached your final draft. Let me know if you need revision. Bye bye for now.


Running Head: FAIR USE

Fair Use
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Fair Use

Fair use refers to the copying of copyrighted work that gets done for a limited purpose.
An example of an instance is where a specific copyrighted work gets used as a comment or to
criticize something. Fair use may be explained as the defensive mechanism that gets employed
against any claims of copyright in fragments.
It was back in the year 2004 when google commenced the Google Library Project on
books. The project focused on making books digitalized and that the books could b...

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