Rasmussen College Development of Societal Standards Analysis Essay

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Part 1:

Compare and contrast the attitudes of two cohorts of people; one that consists of five people that rarely use social media and one cohort of five people that uses social media 2 or more hours a day.

Create a list of five people that you know that use social media at least 2 or more hours per day. This group of people will make up your first cohort. Then create a list of five people that you know that either do not use social media or use it very rarely. Take into account age when creating the cohorts, and try to keep the ages as similar as possible between the cohorts. Keeping a certain level of consistency in the two cohorts will help to negate the potential effects of generational differences. Provide a brief description of each of the ten people you are going to interview divided into their respective cohorts.

In other words, list the five people in the social media at least 2 or more hours a day, and provide a brief description of each along with why you chose them. Then provide a list of the five people that rarely or never use social media, and provide a brief description of each along with why you chose them.

Interview the participants to learn the similarities and differences between the two cohorts as it relates to attitudes, lifestyles, and relationships. Write a two-page paper comparing and contrasting what you learned about the two cohorts. Be sure to relate your findings to cultivation theory and socialization theory in the paper.

Part 2:

Now you will compare your research with research findings through previous research conducted by others. Look up at least 3 articles in the Rasmussen Library that relate to the topic of social media and its impact on society. You are not limited to articles that are strictly written on the specific topic of social media and norms. Articles that are covering social media and society are available from a wide number of angles. After studying these articles, write a two-page paper on what you learned on the topic of social media and its potential impact on societal attitudes, customs, and norms.

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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: SOCIAL MEDIA



By (Name)
Institutional affiliation



Social Media enthusiasts’ interviewees
Whitney Matagaro
A 21-year-old lady who is a social media enthusiast. She can hardly spend a day or two without
posting her pictures on Instagram and WhatsApp.
Henry Miguel
A 21-year-old male who is addicted to Facebooking even when walking
Christine Melon
A 21-year-old female who is possessed with WhatsApp chatting even when in church or class.
Abbie Rose
22-year-old Lady who is so much into Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, along with being
possessed with dating sites.
Quinter Jameson
So much into Social media more so Facebook where she is ever online throughout the day and
night. Always love Facebooking, twitting, and chatting, and posting on Instagram.
Antisocial Media Interviewees
James Douglas
A 21-year-old male who is only possessed with football nothing else
Earnest Jones
A 23-year-old male who is Very much interested in studies and thinks to study is the only important
thing in life for one to become successful
Hamman Reece
A 22-year-old male who believes social media is only full of socially eroded behaviors like
prostitution, cyberbullying, etc.
Jessica cooper
A 22-year-old female who hardly access the social media platform with remarks that she rarely
finds anything interesting there.
Caroline keen
21-year-old Lady. Has no social life, only a church girl


Contrast and comparison between the two cohorts

The interview demonstrated a lot of traits or rather behaviors that are currently displayed
in the current generation. Interviewing social media enthusiasts exuberantly demonstrated how
cultural theory is playing a major role in determining the social virtues of the current generation.

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