ENG100 College of San Mateo Hidden Life of Trees Book Essay

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College of San Mateo


  1. Write an essay include three most important ideas and how it relates to society at large from the book “HIDDEN LIFE OF TREES” wrote by WOHLLEBEN and Use details

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1. Write an essay include three most important ideas and how it relates to society at large from the book “HIDDEN LIFE OF TREES” wrote by WOHLLEBEN and Use details 2. Write 5 full pages ( double spaced, 12 point font, MLA ) 3. Write an introduction paragraph where you introduce your selected theme 4. Intro - Body - Conclusion, In the body paragraphs, there should be 5-6, each with 4-10 sentences, showing your quotes in proper MLA -- discuss their significance. 5. The work cite page should list all four authors in proper MLA 6. The work cite page does not count as a page 7. Proofread so it is grammatically correct and error free. 8. Quote the book (at least 4 times) beginning, middle and end of book
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Our relationship with trees
Peter Wohlleben’s book is a presentation of a fair deal between human beings and the
environment (trees). Trees are considered as a social being in context and seen as entities that can
communicate ideas worth attention. This discussion provides three main ideas about trees and how they
are related to social factors. Trees are taken as social beings as seen in their existence ties close to other
living organisms due to the interchanging relationships and benefits these organisms gain in exchange
with trees. They play critical roles in maintaining such existence as depicted in symbiosis.
Similarly, society is a dependent entity whereby human beings relate through interactions at
various levels. The relationship between trees and human beings is presented as a ruined relationship,
such that a societal setting leads to unfortunate and costly interruptions of the environment. A tree has
several components, which include roots, branches, and leaves.
On the other hand, the fungi enhance the relationship with the roots through symbiosis (pp. 3). The
interaction between these two living organisms reflects on the societal nature of human beings.
Therefore, the three main social factors portrayed by trees, as discussed in the book, are as follows.
Social people, the ecological function of the forest (trees), and anthropomorphism. As social beings,
trees are seen to be in constant motion in mutual help for one another by providing a protective
environment. Issues to do with ecological factors place trees as pioneers in the prevention of pollution
as a result of harmful human activities. Lastly, anthropomorphism gives insight into the voice of trees
during life-threatening moments. Therefore, trees play a significant role in reflecting the societal factors

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that affect human beings in the globe today. From the bac...

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