Writing essay about " my brain, my education "

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University of Missouri - Columbia


The professor is looking for more detailed essay , make sure to include examples about each part.

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LAL053 Essay 4: My Brain, My Education Point value: 200 points Length and formatting requirement: 3 pages, MLA style (approximately 850-900 words) Due dates: ________________________ rough draft due at class time ________________________ final draft uploaded to Canvas at 11:59 p.m. It is commonly understood that each individual is born with certain predispositions. Some are born athletes. Some are born with music in their veins. Some are born leaders. We hear this all the time, and while it is true, it is limited. We have predispositions and certain strengths, but we can all also learn new skills and hobbies and talents. I might not ever become a concert pianist, but I can learn piano if I want. We often carry this into our educational experience. We think some people are born writers or are born good at math, and if we were not, then we will “never be good at it.” But is this true? The readings in this unit will help us to answer this for ourselves with the science behind learning and the brain. We can question our beliefs and work to implement strategies that might help us in our weak areas. Readings and Considerations:     “Building a Better Brain is Within Every Student’s Power” by Judy Willis “Brainology: Transforming Students’ Motivation to Learn” “Performance Anxiety” by Mark McMaster “You Can Grow Your Intelligence” *You will complete the Power of Process over these readings to practice the reading skills for this unit. They will also be the basis of our class discussion over this subject. You will not, however, formally use these sources in the essay you write. They are just for discussion purposes, a starting point. The essay will come completely from your own feelings and thoughts. The articles can help you think of some areas you want to address, but you shouldn’t quote or cite them. You will write an essay titled: “My Brain, My Education” where you will identify the ways in which you can improve your educational experience. What steps should you/could you take to improve your chances of success? How can you help yourself be even more successful in college – not just today, but throughout your entire career (potentially up to a PhD)? How can you help yourself and your brain? This may mean that you first identify your concerns/areas of obstacle and work to find solutions for those. Maybe you already know the areas or subject matters that give you concern and while reading for this unit have identified things you need to change or adopt to be your most successful self. Either way, this essay will seek to map out strategies you are going to use and explain how and why they will help you. In its final form, your essay should:  include a clear and appropriate thesis statement (at the end of an introduction)  be well-organized with topic sentences for each paragraph (think about each expectation as its own paragraph)  show thoroughly developed paragraphs (including introduction and conclusion)  exude your personal voice  be formatted in MLA style  be well-edited (grammar and spelling matter!) While we will be drawing upon ideas from readings for this essay, at its core, this essay is your own. You can get some ideas from the readings, of course, for what you want to discuss and how it applies to you; however, do not quote the readings or “go to the Internet to do research” for this essay. Everything you need is right there in your brain. 
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Explanation & Answer


“My Brain, My Education”- Outline


Since my preschool years, I am amazed at how easily I learn things at each stage.


I can improve my educational experience through intentional learning.


I can also improve my educational experience by being actively involved in class
activities that promote learning.


In improving my chances of success, I will create and maintain a schedule for learning
and extra-curricular activities


Another way to improve my success will to focus on improving areas of weakness


I have learnt that setting personal goals is critical for success not only in my current
studies but later in college.


My first concern is procrastination which has been affecting how I complete tasks


Lastly, I will endeavor to take on academic challenges that will evoke critical thinking
skills in my mind and allow me to make decisions based on what I have learnt.


Indeed, learning can be shaped by individual decisions to be better or to make greater

Surname 1
“My Brain, My Education”
Since my preschool years, I am amazed at how easily I learn things at each stage. The
first time I had to go to school was exciting as I remember seeing so many young children
determined to understand new things in life. Over the years, I have learnt that education is a
continuous process that streams down to what we become in future.
I can improve my educational experience through intentional learning. If I can adapt
strategies that can ensure that I am deliberate in my studies, I believe I can make a significant
difference in my grades. Intentional learning could involve being more serious in class and
understanding what is expected of me by my tutors. For instance, the expected outcomes before
the beginning of a lesson are essential. Therefore, I can ensure that by the end of each session, I
have met one or two of the expected outcomes. In the past, I check the learning outcomes during
an assignment which may be hindering my learning process during an active lesson.
I can also improve my educational experience by being actively involved in class
activities that promote lea...

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