8.5 Paragraphs comparing how 3 women all suffered from 3 short stories

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Montclair State University


Desiree’s Baby, Story of a Hour, The Storm by Kate Chopin

8.5 paragraph comparing how these 3 main women characters suffered from these 3 short stories

2 paragraphs on each short story explaining how the women suffered and different type of suffering they experienced 10 sentences each paragraph must have one quote from each story every paragraph used to credit my thesis that all women have suffered in similar and different ways must use 2 examples of second person point of view to back thesis must have worked cited page mla and must cite quotes in paragraphs

Thesis : These ladies each suffered in different ways

8.5 paragraphs one quote for each body paragraph

10 sentences each par

3 short story links

https://www.katechopin.org/pdfs/desirees-baby.pdf Desirees's Baby

https://archive.vcu.edu/english/engweb/webtexts/hour/ story of a hour

https://americanliterature.com/author/kate-chopin/short-story/the-stormThe Storm by Kate Chopin

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Explanation & Answer

Hi, please see the attached paper. Have a look at it and in case of any edit, please let me know. Otherwise, it is my pleasure to have you as my buddy now and future. Until the next invite, Bye!

How Women Suffered in the Three Short Stories Outline

Kate Chopin depicts the immense suffering of women and distinct ways.

In The Story of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard gets to be liberated after the death of her husband.

Another example that depicts the sufferings of Mrs. Mallard in her marriage is when she
says a quick prayer.

In Desiree’s Baby, readers can understand that Desiree suffered from psychological

Armand also perceived Desiree as a weaker sex, therefore, taking the blame for any
misfortune in the society.

In The Storm, Calixta suffers emotionally from the constraints of marriage as she has
mixed feelings during her encounter with Alcee.

Calixta also continues to live with her husband despite the fulfilling sexual encounter she
had with a former boyfriend.

The three women suffer in their marriages in one way or another.

Despite the suffering endured by the women, only one of them survived and continued
living with her family.

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How Women Suffered in the Three Short Stories
Kate Chopin depicts the immense suffering of women and distinct ways. It is through the
main characters such as Mrs. Mallard, Desiree, and Calixta that one understands the type of
suffering women have to endure. Desiree’s Baby is about a young lady, Desiree, and her family.
Desiree experiences psychological abuse in her marriage (Chopin). The Story of an Hour
presents a woman Mrs. Mallard, who suffered from heart attack problems and died after seeing
her husband, whom she thought, had died. Readers learn that she had been depressed in her
marriage and wanted to be free. The Storm is about a young woman, Calixta, who breaks away
from the set standards of a woman in society (Chopin)....

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