Crime Wave at Greenbelt City Maryland 20770 Data Collection Analysis HW

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Health Medical



Topic: CRIME

Assessment: Identification of geographical community and investigation into problems and issues that affect the community. Data collection of relevant community demographics and statistics (Web resources and information obtained from Windshield survey) other data that already exists about the community exists web; Census Bureau (Demographics), American Fact Finder and State/County Quick Facts.

follow the instruction from the file uploaded. if you need a copy of the windshield survey, let me know.

please use the information in the paper and do a power point slide with it.

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Paraph Reference list follows APA format Citations in text are inchided on reference list Reference list citations are included in text Final Grade 100 X11: Community Assessment Written Project Understanding Community as a health care “client" Apply the nursing process to community assessment and community diagnosis. Relate this information to an objective identified in "Healthy People 2020 ". Use the windshield survey and web sources to assist with developing/identifying a major issue that affects that area. Based on your assessment, identify a community diagnosis, goal(s), interventions and evaluation plan 1. Assessment: Identification of geographical community and investigation into problems and issues that affect the community. Data collection of relevant community demographics and statistics (Web resources and information obtained from Windshield survey) other data that already exists about the community exists web; Census Bureau (Demographics), American Fact Finder and State/County QuickFacts. 2. Identify community strengths/weaknesses and assets/issues. Identify (Diagnosis) two to three actual or potential community health problems. ning 4. Identify community resources or assets in place that can be accessed by clients and PHNs to improve health care access issues. 5. Describe interventions primary, secondary, or tertiary that could be utilized by the client and PHNs solving of community health needs. 6. Describe an evaluation plan/process. 7. Identify one actual or potential community health problem for group PowerPoint presentation. diagny
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Crime wave at
Greenbelt City
Presented by:


The overall crime rate in Greenbelt City is very high.
10.45 crimes occur daily for every 100,000 people.
Greenbelt City is divided into several sectors
The crime rates are reported according to the sectors

Strengths of Greenbelt City
• Greenbelt police de...

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