Bloomsburg University Social Norms in Schools Paper

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Business Finance

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania


Instructions: The purpose of this assignment is for you to apply what you learned through the activities and chapter readings. You can reflect on the results from the reading and activities this week to inform your answers.

Review the Sociology Matters prompt at the end of Ch. 4.

Write a 700-word response to one bullet at the end of the chapter.

Sociology Matters Sociology matters because it explains why you accept certain social norms almost without thinking—and why you pay a price if you break those norms.

What social norms were you expected to conform to when you became a student at your college or university? Are they similar to or different from the norms you grew up with?

What happens to students who do not conform to accepted social norms? Is social control on your campus stricter or more lenient than social control in other parts of society? Is crime a problem on your campus? If so, what social forces might underlie it?

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Social Norms in Schools




Social Norms in Schools
According to Sherif (1936), social norms are the undocumented rules and laws on how a
certain group of people should conduct themselves. Social norms set the standard of behavior in
certain specific cultures in a society.
Back then, when I was joining the university, there was a set of social norms that I was
expected to conform to while at the institution. For instance, I was expected to uphold high
standards of time management all by myself. I was supposed to plan my time according to the
classes I was taking and enroll for them, get the reading materials in time, and make a personal
commitment to attend classes in time. This was just how I was raised all the years to be time
conscious and personal planning. The use of mobile phones during a class session to make calls,
send a message was considered extremely inappropr...

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