WGS201 Miami University Reproductive Rights and Human Rights Discussion

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Miami University


discuss how and why reproductive rights are human rights. If you disagree, you must explain with proper evidence.

Note: please remember evidence cannot come from religious beliefs. Faith is a personal set of beliefs and values and cannot be used as evidence for this course.

As always papers must follow the usual format and be at least 500 words long.

Thank you so much.

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Explanation & Answer




Reproductive Rights and Human Rights
Reproductive rights are the rights a person has to decide on having children and having a
healthy reproduction life. The rights focus on an individual having the freedom to plan a family,
use contraceptives, have an abortion, acquire reproductive health related-information through sex
education in public schools, and have full access to reproductive health services in certified
health facilities (United Nation pp. 2-3). Human rights are the rights each person has as a
human being, sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, language, or any other status
notwithstanding. The human rights facilitate everyone having the right to life, liberty, freedom of
opinion and expression, freedom to interact with other people, freedom from torture, freedom
from slavery, the right to education and work, among others (United Nation). Hence reproductive
rights are human rights because of the interrelationship between them as shown above.
According to the UN Office of the...

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