BSM106 Kuwait University Bookstore Database Report

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Computer Science


Kuwait University


Find attached please. You will choose a topic and make a database while answering the questions (attached).

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BSM 106  - Advanced computer applications for business Phase 2 Based  on the phase 1 and 2, you will create an Excel file that shows the costs, revenues and possible profits of your business.

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Cuae ) برگی 1391 ماك براعم ol لی لی لی کند an Cargo پايله " اگ جات متل الليا g و // Cargo ú 3 فدخل در فقه / صالة ملح 11:49 lLTE AA KUWAIT TECHNICAL COLLEGE Project BSM106 - advanced computer applications for business Phase 1 In this project, you will design a database for a business of your choice 1. Write a paragraph that includes the following: a. Description of the business b. Why does such a business needs a database system 2. List all the items that you will need to store in your database < 11:50 lLTE AA Project BSM106 - advanced computer applications for business Phase 2 Based on the phase 1 and phase 2, you will create an Excel file that shows the costs, revenues and possible profits of your business You should include the following: 1. (10 points) An Excel file containing the same table, use formulas to calculate total revenue , total cost and profits 2. (10 points) A word document containing your business distribution of costs, distribution of revenues , total cost, total revenues and profit a. Provide an alternative scenario for your business, and use the scenario manager to decide on the best scenario. Note: In the word document, you should provide a narrative description of you costs and revenues, as well as a description of the alternative scenario <
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Library Store

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Library Store is designed to store library books and lending them to potential readers.
The business is aimed at acquiring local market shares in the bookstore industry through a
dominant selection of products, low price, competitive services, and friendly environment that
encourage reading and browsing. Library Store will offer a wide range of Music Selections,
magazines, and books. This encompasses every conceivable category, including business,
fiction, science, non-fiction, children's, collecting, hobbies, among other types of books. Our
music collection will mainly include CDs as they are the most popular and consumes less space.
In addition, the business will offer a competitive buy and trade service to aid in lowering our
inventory acquisition costs and making our outlets more attractive to our customers. Besides, the
business provides a search and order service for hard to find items. Library Store will have a
relaxed reading room aided by the placement of chairs, coaches, among others.
Library Store needs a database system to st...

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