data visualization is multidisciplinary

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Cambridge College


As noted by Kirk (2016), data visualization is multidisciplinary. Several professional specializations are combined to work on a project or to resolve a problem. Kirk (2016) was inspired by Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats. A multi-talented visualizer may have some of the capabilities mentioned in the seven hats of data visualization (Kirk, 2016).

Assignment: Write a research paper that contains any 3 of the following:

  • Project Manager
  • Communicator
  • Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Journalist
  • Designer
  • Technology

Use the topics and statements under each “hat” from the course text to help with your search for research material.

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Explanation & Answer

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A Multidisciplinary Approach to Data Visualization Outline
Multidisciplinary Approach to Data Visualization
Data Analyst


A Multidisciplinary Approach to Data Visualization


Practicing a profession in a data science related profession requires a multidisciplinary
approach, which is mainly due to the evolution of technology that contributes to the practice of
data science. The following discussion shows this multidisciplinary approach for the scientific
Multidisciplinary Approach to Data Visualization
One of the roles of a scientist is to engage with data to test hypotheses, while creating
new knowledge or as part of the experimental approach to examine characteristics of
phenomena. Experiments are a quantitative approach to data collection, and statistical techniques
contribute to the data analysis process. Thus, a scientist is also a data analyst, as shown by the
following description.
Data Analyst
A data analyst responsible for data collection and analysis, based on the principles of
statistics and data science. In the modern economy, data science is emerging as an important
discipline because it is the era of Big Data, and data could be sourced from many different
sources ranging from sensors to social media. This has led to the development of the data science
practices, which incorporate principles of statistics for use by experts and researchers. Besides
fundamental knowledge, data science experts also make use of technology as part of the research
and analytics process. Technology includes platforms and tools for the data analysis to crunch
numbers and generate useful insights (Chawla, Bamal, and Khatana, 2018). Vi...

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