GBA498 Saint Leo University Toyota Total Quality Management Discussion

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Business Finance


Saint Leo University


The three primary process management tools discussed in the chapter are process reengineering, TQM and Six Sigma.


Choose a company that has employed one of the three primary process management tools and discuss how implementation of the tools has aided the company in its strategy execution.

What to Post?

  • Select & research a company who employs one of the three tools.

Challenge Question: How does the implementation of these three tools make the company successful?

Please cite at least 2 references and no plagiarism. A minimum of 350 words.

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Explanation & Answer


TQM at Toyota
Total Quality management is a companywide approach to quality management, where
every employee in the company is involved in maintaining high standards in company
operations. Through TQM, companies are able to improve their production processes and
operations. The objective of TQM is to improve output by improving processes continually.
Toyota is one of the companies in the Automobile industry that employs TQM its operations. At
Toyota, TQM is applied at every aspect of the company, at every branch and level of activity

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