Psychology tests: What Is Reliability?

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What are the types of Reliability considered in the field of Psychology? Explain each briefly. When possible, provide samples. Cite references please.

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Explanation & Answer


What are the types of reliability?

The term reliability in psychological research refers to the consistency of a research study or
measuring test (McLeod, 2013). This is basically like our daily life. A person who is reliable
is one who no matter what, will be there to assist as often as their assistance is required. If
you have three containers each containing the exact amount of water and it is being measured
using a measuring cup you would expect to get the same amount for each container of water.
Reliability is all about consistency. If different methods are used to measure water, it would
be of little or no use. According to Middleton (2019), “there are four main types of reliability.
Each can be estimated by comparing different sets of results produced by the same methods.”
The types of reliability are: 1. Test-reset, 2. Interrater 3. Parallel forms and 4. Internal
consistency (Middleton, 2019).
Now we will look at the different types of individually.
Test reset reliability is a measure of reliability which one gets by using the same test twice
over time to a group of people (Phelan & Wren, 2005-2006). Both scores can then be
correlated so that...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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