Accounting Research Articles Evaluation

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Business Finance


Using a Library with links to articles, locate two (2) research articles published within the last five (5) years. One article should deal with measuring performance and one article should relate to incremental analysis.

Complete the Research Evaluation Tables attached. ACT500_ResearchEvaluationTables.docx

Then choose one of the two articles to write a one-to-two-page introduction to the article. Include the following sections and include no opinions, judgments, or beliefs about the study. Only present the facts.

•Topic – State the broad organizational or field of study topic and establish the overall context for the study.

•Problem or Opportunity – Describe the problem or opportunity that the researcher was trying to address.

•Purpose of the Study – Discuss the intent of the study and list any research questions or hypotheses that were used.

•Research Approach and Design – Describe the overall research approach and information that you find related to the research design. Research design might include such things as the setting (field, laboratory, etc), the type of data that was collected, the sample and sample selection, the way data was prepared, analyzed, or presented, for example.

•Audience – Identify the individual or groups that might be interested in the findings of the study.

•Summary – Present the main points that you have covered in your paper; introduce no new information or concepts.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

•Use academic writing style, clear and concise language, and well-developed paragraphs (minimum of three sentences required to develop a paragraph)

Should be 2 pages in length plus the Research Evaluation Tables.

APA Formatted

Must be original work as it will be checked

Unformatted Attachment Preview

ACT500: Research Evaluation Tables Article 1: Measuring Performance Insert reference in APA formatting, 6th ed. 4th printing Research Topic The topic is a broad subject. The topic is not the problem to be solved; that comes later. Example: Balanced Scorecard Problem or Opportunity The problem is established with factual data and is found in the introductory portion of the research article or report. Purpose for the Research The purpose of the study defines what the researcher wants to find out and is found in the introductory section of the research article. Sometimes the purpose contains a research question/s. Research Methods A researcher makes a decision about the broad nature of a research approach: typically quantitative/confirmatory or qualitative/exploratory. Research design strategies are driven by the chosen research approach and the research purpose. Research design strategies include: types of data collected, how the data is collected, and what preparation of data is used, analytical techniques, and presentation of information. Audience The groups, associates, profession, and/or individuals that the researcher suggests might benefit from the findings of this study Research Evaluation Assess the study’s Research Methods and Analytic Techniques. Are the research methods and analytic techniques applicable to solving practical management questions? Why or why not? You must substantiate your position with credible resources and examples. Discuss how your organization might or might not use the findings from these studies. Substantiate your opinion with concrete examples. Article 2: Incremental Analysis Insert reference in APA formatting, 6th ed. 4th printing Research Topic The topic is a broad subject. The topic is not the problem to be solved; that comes later. Example: Cost Behavior Problem or Opportunity The problem is established with factual data and is found in the introductory portion of the research article or report. Purpose for the Research The purpose of the study defines what the researcher wants to find out and is found in the introductory section of the research article. Sometimes the purpose contains a research question/s. Research Methods A researcher makes a decision about the broad nature of a research approach: typically quantitative/confirmatory or qualitative/exploratory. Research design strategies are driven by the chosen research approach and the research purpose. Research design strategies include: types of data collected, how the data is collected, and what preparation of data is used, analytical techniques, and presentation of information. Audience The groups, associates, profession, and/or individuals that the researcher suggests might benefit from the findings of this study Research Evaluation Assess the study’s Research Methods and Analytic Techniques. Are the methods and analytic techniques applicable to solving practical management questions? Why or why not? You must substantiate your position with credible resources and examples. Discuss how your organization might or might not use the findings from these studies. Substantiate your opinion with concrete examples.
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