University of South Florida Role of Physics Today Paper

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University of South Florida


I know that most of you are not physics majors, and that the subject may not be of particular interest to you. Some of you will need it for your careers in STEM, and others will not. That being said, the understanding and development of physics has enabled remarkable technologies that each of us use daily. Without physicists, mathematicians, engineers, etc., our modern lives would not be possible.

It is in this spirit that I would like you to reflect on our modern world and how the study of physics has impacted it. You can write about modern technologies like wireless communication (think texting, calling, wifi, etc.) , computational devices (computers, laptops, phones, etc), imaging techniques that are utilized in popular applications such as snapchat, instagram, etc., the internet (world wide web was developed at CERN), the development of transportation technologies (cars, planes, etc.), GPS (would not be possible without Einstein) dependent applications, or any other topic of your choice.

Have fun and be creative!

This discussion is worth 2 points to your final grade. Your response should be 400 words.

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Explanation & Answer

Please find attached. In case you need any tweaks on the paper, kindly feel free to hit me up. Goodluck!


The Role of Physics Today
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The Role of Physics Today

As a science, physics plays many roles in society today and helps us in understanding
natural phenomena and make crucial predictions. It contains many facets, all aimed at increasing
human beings' knowledge of the entire universe in which we exist. It is an intellectual exercise
and sometimes considered as the epitome of rationalism. Physics applies the necessary scientific
process like rationalism, inductive, and deductive logic. Today physics not only affects the
scientific world but trickles down to influence our culture and how humans relate. It has had a
vital impact on material science, which tries to elaborate on the atomization of our nature
(Winfrey, 2017). However, the most significant impact has been in technology, medical,
industry, and transportation.
The most spoken about concept in physics today includes quantum physics. The
transformation of the subject through the years attracted great minds like Albert Einstein, Erwin
Schrödinger, and Werner Heisenberg. Quantu...

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