Savannah State University Is It Better to Live to Work or To Work to Live Analysis

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Savannah State University


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Explanation & Answer


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Is it Better to live to Work, or to Work to Live?
Living to Work
A segment of people in the modern world are said to live to work. This assertion implies
that their entire life is centered on work or professional careers from which the proceeds of the
working is the sole source of satisfaction in life (Morrison et al). When an individual lives to
work it means that the better part of their precious time, focus, and energy is basically on their
work and the various tasks related to the working process.
The money or the outcome from working is not the only motivation to engage in the
working activity. The satisfaction derived from the work motivates the individual to remain
focused on what they are doing without minding the inputs from other people (Tokumitsu and
Miya). Some people work to create an impression or to prove the worthiness of the person in the
position while holding the money price constant.
Keeping focused on individual happiness in the workplace helps to avoid the distractions
from other people. People have to love what they do and do it to their bes...

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