I need five (5) pages double spaced times new roman 12 font for GENDER STUDIES on Femicide

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gender studies 101

San Diego City College


I need five (5) pages double spaced times new roman 12 font on the topic femicide in latin america. The history movements on femicide and current statics. I provided a prompt attached below to follow instructions when writting the essay which is a must. You must use 3 outside sources for femicide without plagirism. Make sure to cite the sources as well.

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Femicide In Latin America
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
There are many societal issues and challenges around the world, and the most affected
people by these issues are women and children (Toledo 2017). The problems involving
discrimination and mistreating women based on the fact that there are women should be taken
seriously and robust measures put in place to handle the issues. Many women around the world
have suffered, and others have been killed just because of their gender, and this is very
unfortunate since these women are our mothers and sisters. Femicide is an issue that has been a
thorn in the fleshes of many international organizations and governments. Men usually do many
of the killings, and at times family members are involved. It should be noted that these killings
are typically intentional, and the reasons why people commit them are unclear. It can, therefore,
be said that the issue is complex and multilayered hence calls for a multi-approach strategy for it
to be handled appropriately.
Types of femicide
There are different types and of femicides (Godoy-Paiz 2018). However, women face a
wide array of challenges and problems, including verbal harassment, emotional abuse, and
sexual abuse, and in the end, this culminates to murdering of women. All these types of femicide

are catalyzed and brought about by different factors. Additionally, it should be noted that the
different kinds of femicides are contextual and influenced by various aspects. The following are
the main types of femicides.
1. Intimate femicide
Intimate femicide is where women are murdered by their current or ex-husbands and
boyfriends (Joseph 2017). Preliminary findings and statics in Latin America have shown that
many men have killed their partners. Additionally, from research findings, according to WHO,
many women are usually killed by their partners over petty issues or du...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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