ACC101 long term liabilities and stockholders equity questions to be completed ( Walmart and Target 10-k companies)

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Business Finance

acc 101

University of Connecticut



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1 Verizon 1:08 PM @ ข อ 16% 0 X case-assignment Wtrby.docx 21. 26. Long-term liabilities On which financial statement do you find long-term liabilities? List the page number from the most recent Form 10-K where you found long-term liabilities for your company. What types of long-term liabilities does the company have? 22. What information is provided in the notes to the financial statement with respect to the company's long- term liabilities? Give a summary; you do not need to go into depth. 23. Calculate and interpret the debt ratio for the most recent two years. 24. Calculate and interpret the times-interest-earned ratio for the two most recent years. Stockholders' equity 25. Locate the stockholders' equity section on the balance sheet. List the page number from the most recent Form 10-K where you found it. Describe the type(s) of stock that the company has authorized and/or issued. How many shares of each type of stock has the company issued as of its most recent balance sheet date? How many shares of each type of stock are outstanding as of the most recent balance sheet date? Are these numbers in thousands or millions or billions? 27. Now locate the statement of stockholders' equity. List the page number from the most recent Form 10-K where you found it. What is the title of this statement for the company? How many shares (if any) did the company purchase during the most recent year? What was the cost of the treasury stock? How much per share? Did the company issue any new shares of stock during the most recent year? How many shares? How much did it receive for the stock issuance? 29. Did the company declare any dividends in the most recent year? What type of dividends? What was the dollar value of the dividends declared? 30. Calculate the return on equity for the company for the most recent year. 28.
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Long Term Liabilities
21. We find the long term liabilities in the Consolidated Balance Sheet/ Consolidated Statement of
Financial Position.
Walmart – Long term Debt, Long-term capital lease and financing obligations, Deferred
income taxes and other -Page 49
Target- Long-term debt and other borrowings, Noncurrent operating lease liabilities, ,
Deferred income taxes, Other Non-current liabilities Page 36

22. Information provided in the notes to the financial statement with respect to the company’s
long term liabilities.
Walmart :
Recent Accounting Pronouncements – Page 58
Derivative Liabilities– Page 68
Deferred Tax liability- Page 69
Commitments and Contingencies – Page 26
Critical Accounting Estimates – Page 27
Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk – Page 30
Effect of Accounting Standards Adoption on Consolidated Statement of Financial Positi...

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