Jefferson College of Health Humanitarian Aid Provision Paper

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Health Medical

Jefferson College of Health


Instructions: Complete 5 of the questions .

The answers should be at least 3 substantive paragraphs, well developed, referenced, and properly formatted. “Substantive” means that the writer has added to the dialogue with referenced facts or pertinent personal experience leading to a reasoned argument that advances the scholarly discussion. in APA 6th edition format.

  • 1.What are some advantages and disadvantages of providing humanitarian aid on a long-term basis?
  • 2.How can we involve the affected community in the aid provision process? And what is the benefit? Include one example.
  • Can the aid provision lead to an increase in the conflict in countries where the conflict is the root cause of food insecurity?
  • How can technology have a positive influence on humanitarian aid organizations when responding to disasters?
  • Conversely, how can technology have a negative influence on humanitarian aid organizations when responding to disasters?
  • Which is more beneficial for the economic recovery process: investing more in response or in recovery? Why?
  • Who will be participating in the recovery phase and what is their role? Give specific examples from both governmental and non-governmental organization?
  • What is the role of the emergency manager during the recovery?
  • How will understand the ethics and rules of certain populations?
  • How does understanding the ethics, culture, and rules of society will affect our decision making as Emergency managers?
  • What are some of the dangers that displaced populations face?
  • What are common causes of refugee displaced populations? How can you address this causes?
  • Explain the differences and similarity between surveillance and monitoring?
  • What is the basic idea of humanitarian assistance?
  • How do you ensure the security of food, water and sanitation for responders?
  • As an emergency manager, how would you overcome your staff from becoming a security risk?
  • Does the humanitarian response carry the same aspects of a disaster response? Why? Why not?
  • Going forward, the nature of humanitarian crisis will continue to change. How can we adapt our current methods/models to address continuing changes?

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Explanation & Answer



Humanitarian Aid Provision
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Title




Humanitarian Aid Provision
Question 1: Advantages and Disadvantages of providing humanitarian aid on a long-term
Humanitarian aid refers to the actions taken to provide assistance in form of food and
other material things to people who have an emergency or are in immediate danger.
Humanitarian aid at its core is based on the principles that aim to bring positive outcomes in
times of uncertainty and disaster. Humanitarian aid has several benefits including saving lives,
reduce suffering and ensure that basic human rights are maintained. The current system of
humanitarian aid is faced by several challenges that make it disadvantageous. Some of the
disadvantages include over humanitarianization of crises that do not constitute as humanitarian
crisis, hence, wasting resources and committing fraud. Second disadvantage is mismanaged and
mismatched service provision due to lack of proper research and community participation. There
is also a big disconnect between effort and impact of humanitarian aid initiatives (Dubois, 2018).
Question 2: How can we involve the affected community in the aid provision process? And
what is the benefit? Include one example.
The process of aid provision works better when the affected community is involved. It
can be done through community participation initiatives and collaboration with local authorities.
Therefore, involving the affected helps to increase efficiency in terms of use of available
resources, helps match the needs of the victims with organization goals as well reducing
dependency. An example is the use of ‘Health promoters’ in projects done by Doctors without
borders to help bridge the gap between community needs and organizational goals.

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