Foundation of Nursing Brookdale Community College Pediatric Nursing HW

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Goals of paper: PEDIATRIC NURSE

  • To research, write, and present about a health care career of interest
  • To demonstrate what steps are needed to pursue this career: how to apply to your program choice, prerequisites, using webadvisor
  • To describe how and why you chose this career; your values and goals
  • To describe time management strategies and study skills needed to achieve this goal
  • To project strengths and potential obstacles
  • To complete this course with a better understanding of a health care career pathway
  • To share your findings with fellow students, thus promoting a better understanding for others

By the end of week 2, you should choose the health care career choice you will be researching, and begin a reflection journal. Each week, you will gain more knowledge about yourself and your career choice through the assignments.

Questions to be addressed in the paper:

  • Content
    • The scope of practice
    • The level of education needed\license requirements
    • The standards of practice and ethical code for this career
  • Self-Expression & Awareness
    • What did you learn about this career that you did not know before?
    • What are your perceived strengths and potential obstacles that should be addressed?
    • Do you have external challenges; family, work, financial, time?
    • Reread your journal, talk about your AHA moments and insights gained from this course
    • What are some of the success strategies you will adapt, or currently use that work for you?
    • How do your values and goals align with this career?
    • How do you cope with stress?
    • If this is the career you want to pursue, do you have the time, commitment, and support to accomplish this? Please explain.
    • What are your next steps?
    • How do you apply to the program, what prerequisites must be taken?
    • Do you have a long term plan that includes transfer? If so, have you thought about where?

The paper must be in APA format, 3-4 pages length, plus a cover page and reference page. All phrases of words that are not your own must be cited and referenced, including page number for direct quotes.

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HESC 107 Career Paper Rubric (100 points possible) (See Goals and Expectations) Score Content (40%) All expectations are clearly addressed. (35) Self-Expression & Awareness (40%) All expectations are clearly addressed. (35) Grammar (10%) APA Format & Style (10%) 8/25/18 ul revised for fall 18 Some expectations are clearly addressed. (30) Some expectations are clearly addressed. (30) Minimal Some grammar, grammar, spelling, sentence spelling, sentence structure issues. structure issues. 2-3 per page (15) (7.5) APA format is used throughout paper. (15) Few expectations are met. (20) Minimal expectations are met. (10) No expectations are met. (0) Few expectations are met. (20) Minimal expectations are met. (10) No expectations are met. (0) Some grammar, spelling, sentence structure issues. 4-5 per page (5) Many grammar, spelling, sentence structure issues. 5- 7 (2.5) Numerous grammar, spelling, sentence structure issues. 8 or greater (0) APA format is APA format is APA format is No APA format somewhat used rarely used seldom used in paper. throughout paper. throughout paper. throughout paper. (0) (7.5) (5) (2.5) Total x/100
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Running page: Pediatric nursing

Pediatric nursing




Pediatric nursing
Pediatric nursing

A pediatric nurse is a registered nurse whose primary work is offering medical
care and treatment of infants, children, and adolescents. They are trained to provide
high quality and emotional support to children and their families. They work in many
hospital settings, including physicians clinic or general hospitals, surgical theatres,
community-based centers, and health clinics. They specialize in promoting health,
educate all patients with their families, and prevent diseases. They offer services such
as immunizations, screenings of developmental milestones, treating common
conditions, and medical prescriptions depending on the laws of different countries
(Bindler, 2008).

To become a pediatric nurse, many steps are in place and followed, depending on
states. First, undertake an undergraduate program or a diploma course in nursing and
be certified as a registered nurse. There are many education systems either offered by
hospitals or institutions. Duration of study of a diploma is 2-3years or a four-year
course for a bachelor's degree. Licensing requirements, one is required to ...

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