CRJ302 University of Miami Concept of Capital Punishment Position Paper

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University of Miami


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Position Paper #2 will be on Capital Punishment. In a five page paper explain the concept of capital punishment, is it cruel and inhumane, why or why not is it a necessary part of our judicial system, what crimes are associated with capital punishment, and why does it take so long to carry out capital punishment, etc. These are not all you should write about, they are just to get you started.

You will need at least five scholarly sources for this paper. The total page count will be a minimum of seven pages, which includes the Cover and Reference pages. Please refer to your syllabus for instructions for your paper submission.

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Explanation & Answer




Capital Punishment


Institutional Affiliation




Capital punishment in many jurisdictions is the execution of an offender to face
death penalty after conviction. Since the ancient Greece and Roman Empire times,
capital punishment was provided for due to cases associated with rape, arson, treason
and murder. Since its establishment, capital punishment has raised many concerns
associated with human rights dignity, ethical and also religious concerns.

Many human rights activists have argued that capital punishment should not be
provided to people because it is inhumane and against human dignity. Contemporary
ethical arguments have also claimed that capital punishment is immoral, impractical and
also against the utilitarian principles. Religious arguments have been against any form
of capital punishment since they associate it with inhumane acts of revenge. Most of the
philosophers claim that the end of capital punishment is not providing justice for the
people but rather injustice to all involved in crime. For this reason, this paper tries to
provide arguments against capital punishment.

Moral Arguments

The strongest argument against capital punishment is the moral principles that
claim that it is not right to treat humans inhumanely. Instead of capital punishment, the
society should form alternative ways in which individuals can treat offenders in a right
manner. Offenders can always be subjected in environments where they can deal with
their cases in an effective manner. This would help to ensure that their own concerns
have been addressed effectively. In moral sense, killing another person is wrong. This is



because it amounts to retribution for an offense that the individual did and does not
provide any solution to the mistake that the person conducted. F...

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