Abdill Career Alphabet Inc Finance Recent Developments & Prospects Paper

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Abdill Career College


Choose a publicly traded company and complete the following:

Company name

Stock symbol

Industries in which the company competes

Exchange where the stock trades

52 week high, 52 week low

Average daily volume

Weekly closing price for the last 5 weeks

General information about the company (What do they do?)

Basic financial information about the company (Annual Revenue, Annual Profit or Loss)

Recent development(s) (e.g. a new product, management change, etc.)

Prospects (Anything in the near future we might expect to see happen?)

Personal appraisal (Your final thoughts).

No longer than 2 pages. Organize your thoughts. An outline format with sufficient detail to understand your analysis is acceptable.

All the work must be original

Turnitin report is required

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Company Profile Company name: Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. Industry in which the company competes: Media, Retail & Consumer Product Manufacturers Stock symbol: MSO Exchange where the stock trades: NYSE 52 week high: $17.00 52 week low: $7.56 Average daily volume: (3 Month) – 640,055 (10 day) – 2,471,000 Weekly closing price for the last 5 weeks: 7/26/04 – 11.21 7/19/04 – 10.85 7/12/04 – 11.81 7/6/04 – 8.70 6/28/04 – 8.97 General information about the company (What do they do?): There are three major segments to Martha Stewart’s Omnimedia Company. All aspect of the organization involve do it yourself, how to information and products for the home. Media Magazine Publishing: This is the primary business with the magazine titles Martha Stewart Living, Martha Steward Weddings and Martha Stewart Baby/Kids. Book Publishing: These are mainly special interest publications that were written by Martha Stewart and her magazine editors. Periodical Publishing: She has a syndicated AskMartha newspaper column Television: Martha maintain a nationally syndicated television show, the one hour daily Martha Stewart Living as well as a daily one hour show on cable from Martha’s Kitchen. She also maintains a weekly appearance on CBS The Early Show and occasionally has some prime time network specials. Retail Non Store Retail: This segment includes the catalogue shopping, direct mailers and the internet sites that hose Martha Stewart products. The largest and most popular internet sites are MarthaStewart.com and marthasflower online store. She also maintains a gift and bridal registry with other retailers. Consumer Products Manufacturers Martha Stewart living has literally built its brand on house wares and furniture products. She has a partnership with Kmart retailers to sell her products in their stores. The products range from Sherwin Williams wall paints to kitchen mitts and gloves. General financial information (Sales, profit): 2003 Sales (mil.) - $245.8 1-Year Sales Growth – (16.7%) 2003 Net Income (mil.) - $2.7 Revenue:
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Company Profile

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Institutional Affiliation

Instructor’s Name



Company Profile
Company name: Alphabet Inc
Industry in which the company competes: Technology
Stock symbol: GOOGL and GOOG
The exchange where the stock trades: NYSE
52 week high: $1344.00
52 week low: $1,333.44
Average daily volume: (3 Month) – 1210100
(10 day) – 2,471,000
The weekly closing price for the last 5 weeks:
12/6/19- $1, 339.39
11/29/19-$1, 304.09
11/22/19-$1, 293.67
11/15/19-$1, 333.54
General information about the company



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