Barry University Why Marketing Research Is Important Research Paper

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Business Finance

Barry University


You are to be hired as a marketing research consultant ($8,000 and five weeks of work with

$2,000 additional money for expenses) for one of the following businesses. Before you are hired,

the business owner wants a “proposal” of the work you will provide. You will want to discuss

why marketing research is important and what work you will do for the start-up business. You

will likely want to suggest some follow-up work 6 months after the business has opened.

Some key points of information given to you are:

The start-up business will open its doors in 3 months.

The owner has had a dream of opening this business for quite some time (and is going to

open the business with or without your consultancy work).

The owner has plenty of money to begin the business but not enough to carry the business

for more than a year with minimal sales.

One employee will be hired for the business to help with sales.

You are not to worry about the logistics of the owner opening and operating the business

(e.g., assume that the owner will handle locating and purchasing office equipment, etc.).

It is expected that the paper will be 4 to 6 pages in length (1 ½ spaced, 12 point, Times New

Roman, 1” margins). The paper should be written in your own words and credit should be given

to all sources—you do not need to quote/source the textbook as we will assume this information

is common knowledge. Keep in mind that this is a marketing research plan, not a business plan,

so use the business for contextual purposes only. Include page numbers but not contractions.

Business choices:

1. A business similar to Knox Box ( to be produced and sold only in the

South Florida area (“boxes” mounted to structures to provide a key for emergency

services personnel to enter homes and businesses without causing damage to doors and

windows). The owner has a contract with a manufacturer and the cost of production will

be approximately $60 per unit, regardless of size. An office in North Miami has been

located for doing business.

2. An antique store in the Midtown Miami area (a three year lease of approximately 4,000

square feet of retail space for $4,000 per month has been signed). The owner does not

have any inventory yet but will begin attending auctions throughout the state.

3. A used semi-luxury and sports car lot selling autos between $25,000 and $50,000. The

owner has signed a lease for a lot on Biscayne Blvd. just south of 123rd St. which will

hold approximately 35 cars at any given time. The owner will purchase cars at auction in

Fort Lauderdale. Additionally, the car lot can finance purchases by customers.

Again, this is not a proposal for a business plan nor is it for a “market research” plan—this is a

marketing research proposal. You should explain what marketing research is, why it is important

and show what information and terminology you have learned through the semester (in the

context of the chosen business). You should not do “research” on the business or discuss too

much about the business.

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Explanation & Answer



Marketing Research Proposal
Student’s Name:




Marketing Research Proposal.
The success of any business venture depends on accurate information because it gives
information on current and prospective customers, the business competitors and the industry

This way, the business owner is able to assess the probability of the business

flourishing. Research on the market is helpful in solving marketing challenges and coming up
with marketing strategies and also ideas on product differentiation.
Marketing Strategy.
The strategy will be built on the following:
Ads or adverts- This will be used to publicize the sports cars and semi-luxury cars people who
need a review yet generally have not known about this company, placing it in the phone registry
Yellow Pages and also inside the auto area of the local paper.
Partnerships- We will develop deliberate connections with automobile organizations such as City
Auto Club, and AAA. This is to make sure a big number of members from those associations are
referred to our company.
Website- A website will be put in place to give more information about this car company and the
services to be provided to the general public. Experts working for the company will submit the
site to popular search engines so that when people search for anything that concerns the
company, its website will show up as top of the list.
Our mission is to offer clients with appropriate, comprehensive car inspections. Our aim
is to draw in and look after clients. When we stick to this adhere to this, all else fall...

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