In your role as Director of Operations, you have collaborated with department heads to create a cross-functional and collaborative organization, good work. Thus far, Management Information Systems (MIS) has been supporting the organization’s activities, and assisted in organizational management. Now it is time for you to continue with the next phases of the organization’s strategic management plan. In your meeting with the board of directors, you must present on many aspects of the organization, including technology. Specifically, the board needs to understand how your current and future technology implementations will facilitate the decisionmaking process. Please present a detailed analysis of the following topics in the context of decision-making and strategic planning:
● Data Mining in the context of predictive analytics & Big Data, as a competitive strategy
● CRM as a source of sustaining competitive advantage
● Hardware & Software in terms of disaster recovery & business process continuity (BPC) BUS 530 Hybrid Syllabus 31 of 31
● Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in terms of sustaining a cross-functional organization
● Telecommunications in terms of using networks & social media to compete on the global stage
● Systems implemented to mitigate the effects of risk on information security and the ethical use of information
- Summary of how to integrate all of these systems Your detailed analysis should be presented using these bullet-points as subject headings in your paper
Explanation & Answer
Information Systems
Data Mining in the context of predictive analytics & Big Data, as a competitive strategy
Data mining is analytic process aimed at exploring large volumes of data with the objective
of identifying patterns and relationships among variables. It is utilized by business organizations
to predict future patterns such as markets in order to make better decisions and strategic plans to
gain competitive advantage over competitors. Predictive analytics entails statistical analysis
techniques drawn from data mining, predictive model and machine learning. It is aimed at
analyzing the current and historical data with the goal of making future predictions of on
unknown events. Predictive analytics and Big Data play an important role in progression of
business intelligence processes that assist and organization analyze both internal and external
data. This analysis is important in decision making process since it business executives make
intelligence decisions.
Effective use of predictive analytics and Big Data is an important competitive strategy for an
organization. Predictive analytics such as social media analytics provide organizations with
crucial information on customer trends which is crucial in making decisions about the products
to launch based on customer preferences. Predictive analytics provide organizations with the tool
to analyze user data such as videos, pictures and text messages posted on social media platforms.
This enable organization to determine customer preferences on products, customer feedback,
product reviews and service experience. Mining this data provides an organization with crucial
information about customers such as views and opinions before and after buying a product which
help it determine their future tre...