Abcott Institute Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Summary

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5. Quote a short passage that encapsulates the 6. Write a 450-word comment explaining the issues in the quotation from the point of view of group. 7. Wait for others to post; then, write a 4-sentence (minimum) comment on a post a classmate wrote. In that comment, quote something your classmate said, briefly compare the description to a situation you experienced. If you have never experienced a similar situation, propose a solution that might change the issue. Send a chat Notes: Do not summarize the entire text. No research should be done, so no citations should be used. Use only one quotation from one essay in the textbook/announcements. Comment and answer from your own opinion. When creating a post, it is best to type it in Word and then paste it into Blackboard so that you have a copy in case Bb crashes. Do not use attachments for the posts. ، والعمه اللامرا Linki maxe apoive Turning in the Posts social group: Business people These assignments will be posted in Blackboard. Each group has 6-8 members. Posting is easy. It works just like an email. From the "Course Tools" on the left side of the screen after logging into our Blackboard course site, choose "Bb Posts." Click 3 times until you see a gray box at the top reading “Create Thread.” For the Subject of each post, please use the post number. See the example on the next page. 4-write 450 word: 3- Pick social group 1. Select one essay. Send a chat work slot makes sul the 2. Choose one thing in the essay that you feel a member of any social group (past, present, majority, or minority) might agree with disagree with, or that might cause him/her/them an issue. 3. Indicate the title, author, and page and paragraph numbers of the quotation. 4. Indicate which social group you are writing about. 5. Quote a short passage that encapsulates the issue. 6. Write a 450-word comment explaining the issues in the quotation from the point of view of your chosen social group 7. Wait for others to post; then, write a 4-sentence (minimum) comment on a post a classmate wrote. In that comment, quote something your classmate said, briefly compare the description to a situation you experienced. If you have never experienced a similar situation, propose a solution that might change the issue. Notes: Do not summarize the entire text. No research should be donc, so no citations should be used. Use only one quotation from one essay in the textbook/announcements. Comment and answer from your own opinion. When creating a post, it is best to type it in Word and then paste it into Blackboard so that you have a copy in case Bb crashes. Do not use attachments for the posts. و انحه اللي استر منا Links make a Poive Turning in the Posts social group: Business people These assignments will be posted in Blackboard. Each group has 6-8 members. Posting is easy. It works just like an email. From the "Course Tools" on the left side of the screen after logging into our Blackboard course site, choose "Bb Posts." Click 3 times until you see a gray box at the top reading "Create Thread." Send a chat Son من الموقع Sot work Bb Post Assignments College Writing 2 The Blackboard Post assignments due dates are listed on Bb. Each post uses the same basic process. For a post, you should write at least 450 words on your choice of reading in the textbook and make one comment. 1-Pick one text social displaced serm workers 2- Choose a quotaction Directions 4-write 450 words 3- Pick social group usath makes all the 1. Select one essay. 2. Choose one thing in the essay that you feel a member of any secial group (past, present, majority, or minority) might agree with, disagree with, or that might cause him/her/them an issue. 3. Indicate the title, author, and page and paragraph numbers of tre quotation. 4. Indicate which social group you are writing about. 5. Quote a short passage that encapsulates the issue. 6. Write a 450-word comment explaining the issues in the quotation from the point of view of your chosen social group. 7. Wait for others to post; then, write a 4-sentence (minimum) comment on a post a classmate wrote. In that comment, quote something your classmate said, briefly compare the description to a situation you experienced. If you have never experienced a similar situation, propose a solution that might change the issue. Gedule nds and or you 77 Site only 02 Talk del you can fit in Practice rol the Uncontrole the budy * much more wel troubleThings will od hole is to con they as the Want to Stay Stressed? and more 4 y to hing why some thing has everyday th can you couldn't ang the place of And a "taker can't dung angecar shine G e point wher Bb Post Assignments College Writing 2 The Blackboard Post assignments due dates are listed on Bb. Each postoves the same basic process. For a post. you should write at least 450 words on your choice of reading in the textbook and make one comment 1-Pick one test 2.0 quoted 4. weite Directions 3. Ack social group 1. Select one essay 2. Choose one thing in the essay that you feel a member of any social group (past, present, majority or minority) might agree with, disagree with, or that might cause him/her/them an issue. 3. Indicate the title, author, and page and paragraph numbers of the quotation 4. Indicate which social group you are writing about Quote a short passage that encapsulates the issue. 6. Write a 450 word comment explaining the issues in the quotation from the point of view of your chosen social group 7. Wait for others to post; then, write a 4-sentence (minimum) comment on a post a classmate wrote. In that comment, quote something your classmate said, briefly compare the description to a situation you experienced. If you have never experienced a similar situation, propose a solution that might change the issue NotesDo not summarize the entire text No research should be done, so no citations should be used. Use only one quotation from one essay in the textbook/announcements. Comment and answer from your own opinion When creating a post, it is best to type it in Word and then paste it into Blackboard so that you have a copy in case Bb crashes. Do not use attachments for the posts. فوریه | Turning in the Posts ecial group: Surell couple These assignments will be posted in Blackboard. Each group has 6-8 members. Posting is casy. It works just like an email. From the Course Tools" on the left side of the screen after logging into our Blackboard course site. choose "Bb Posts." Click 3 times until you see a gray box at the top reading "Create Thread." For the Subject of each post, please use the post number. See the example on the next page.
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Explanation & Answer

hello here is the document withough the students post,, am waiting for the post to answer question 7


Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King
Students Name



Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr, page one In paragraph 3,
"Beyond this, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here. Just as the eighth-century prophets
left their little villages and carried their "thus saith the Lord" far beyond the boundaries of their
hometowns; and just as the Apostle Paul left his little village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of
Jesus Chr...

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