Physics,New Roman Type size 12 See Attachment

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Question 4: Study the Piper Alpha incident. Outline the events and conditions that lead to the disaster and nultiple deaths which occurred. (10 Marks) Question 5: Describe the mechanism of burning of a candle. Explain how laminar and turbulent flames are formed. (10 Marks) Question 6: Explain Upper and Lower Flammability Limits. Explain stoichiometric chemical reactions. (10 Marks) Question 7: Define fuel load and mass burning rate. Explain the heat of combustion, heat release rate, and combustion efficiency. (10 Marks) Question 8: a) Consider an enclosure fire. Find the conductive heat flow rate through a brick wall 0.25 m wide (1), 3.5 m high and 4 m long when the temperature in the room is 700°K (T2) and the ambient temperature on the other side is 310°K (T1). Find the value of k from the table. b) Find the thermal penetration time for a 1% and 50% increase in temperature rise through a concrete wall 0.2 m wide (X). Find the values of a from the table. (5 Marks)
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(Qst4) Events and conditions leading to disasters and loss of life.
a) Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
(b) Population growth and ageing of the population
(c) Traffic accidents
(d) Drug abuse
(e) War
(f) Fire
(Qst5) Describe the combustion mechanism of the spark plug. Explain how laminar and
turbulent flames form.
Spark plug mec...

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