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Answer the following PART A (2 pages single space) Read Chapter 12 of our textbook, “The North-South Gap”. Here’s the link to the book: oshua-s-goldstein.pdf Assignment 4 requires that you create an answer to the question: ​Is the current Syrian refugee related “crisis” connected to imperialism, colonization, international development?​ There may be various perspectives and different answers to this question. You are being given an opportunity to answer this question in a way that you feel represents what is happening. Answers to questions about world politics are subject to varying interpretations due to different perceptions. The possibility of getting different answers is also often due to available information, data and evidence, which supports specific answers. Therefore, you are being asked to support your answer to the question with information, data and evidence. In addition to your answer and any supporting information, you are also being asked to ​include a discussion using information from Chapter 12. ​This chapter provides some ​information about global problems in developing countries and the connection with developed countries, the state of the south, basic human needs, world hunger; migration and refugees, the world-system, imperialism, history of imperialism, 1500—2000, effects of colonialism, postcolonial dependency, and revolutionary movements. PART B Answer this question: ​Is the current Syrian refugee related “crisis” connected to imperialism, colonization and/or international development? ​Include a discussion on the connections between global problems in developing countries and the connection with developed countries, the state of the south, basic human needs, world hunger; migration and refugees, the world-system, imperialism, history of imperialism, 1500—2000, effects of colonialism, postcolonial dependency, and revolutionary movements. Include in this Discussion insights from this Chapter 13, regarding “international development” Anticipate 2 rebuttals that you can imagine in opposition to your answer. Support your assertion with evidence or data. Cite your sources using APA format.
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International Relation
Institutional Affiliation




Imperialism refers to a policy of outspreading a country’s power and impact through
colonization and the use of armed forces or other enforcing means. Syrian is a developed country
being on the same level as China in terms of GDP per capita. It has been discovered that the
poverty level and poor economic structure of the country has decreased. It was recorded by the
world back that the growth rate of a country is growing at a steady rate. Syria is described as a
country of many diverse ethnic and religious groups. But Syria has been facing a lot of
challenges experiencing a huge refugee crisis due to the violent government crackdown; refugees
have been fleeing in the nearby countries like Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan.
An organization such as the UN has created a quick response to serve the refugees and
meet their basic needs. The most affected being children leaving them traumatized making them
lack the basic right of education. Syrians have taken 70% of the population in both Jordan and
Lebanon, are classified in the poverty line. They struggle to find jobs, the government trying
hard to invite them to the informal sector that has made them be exploited. Donation to the
UNHCR has become a broad move to the lifesaving of the refugees. International development

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