Assignment 5: Gibberish
This assignment is worth 5 points and must be completed and turned in before 11:59 on Monday,
December 9th.
In this assignment you will practice with strings, conditionals and loops (for, while).
In many languages, there are games that people play to make normal speech sound incomprehensible,
except for a few people who are part of the game. Instead of creating a completely new language,
certain sounds are added to words following rules only known to those who are playing, so that anyone
else listening will hear only “gibberish” or nonsense words. For some basic examples, see
We are going to create some simple rules for translating normal English into Gibberish. A common
rule is to add sounds to each syllable, but since syllables are difficult to detect in a simple program,
we’ll use a rule of thumb: every vowel denotes a new syllable. Since we are adding a Gibberish
syllable to each syllable in the original words, we must look for the vowels.
To make things more unique, we will have two different Gibberish syllables to add. The first Gibberish
syllable will be added to the first syllable in every word, and a second Gibberish syllable will be added
to each additional syllable. For example, if our two Gibberish syllables were “ib” and “ag”, the word
“program” would translate to “pribogragam.”
In some versions of Gibberish, the added syllable depends on the vowels in a word. For example, if we
specify “*b” that means we use the vowel in the word as part of the syllable: e.g. “dog” would become
“dobog” (inserting “ob” where the “*” is replaced by the vowel “o”) and “cat” would become “cabat”
(inserting “ab” where “a” is used). Note that the “*” can only appear at the beginning of the syllable
(to make your programming easier).
After the Gibberish syllables are specified, prompt the user for the word to translate. As you process
the word, make sure you keep track of two things. First, if the current letter is a vowel, add a Gibberish
syllable only if the previous letter was not also a vowel. This rule allows us to approximate syllables:
translating “weird” with the Gibberish syllable “ib” should become “wibeird”, not “wibeibird”.
Second, if we’ve already added a Gibberish syllable to the current word, add the secondary syllable to
the remaining vowels. How can you use Booleans to handle these rules?
Finally, print the Gibberish word. Afterwards, ask the user if they want to play again, and make sure
their response is an acceptable answer (“yes”/“no”, “y”/“n”). Make sure to check the validity for all
of your user inputs throughout the program. Don’t let bad input create errors.
Your program will:
1. Print a message explaining the game.
2. Prompt for two Gibberish syllables (indicate the allowed wildcard character “*”).
3. Prompt for a word to translate.
4. Process the word and add the syllables where appropriate.
5. Print the final word, and ask if the user wants to play again.
Notes and Hints:
You should start with this program, as with all programs, by breaking the program down into parts.
1. Getting started: Simplify!
a) First solve the program using a single Gibberish syllable, without checking for multiple
vowels in a row or using the wildcard (“*”). This means that “weird” with the “ib”
syllable will become “wibeibird” (that will not be correct in the final version, but good
enough for starting your program: simplify!).
b) You will need to decide how you will check for vowels. Good possibilities are string
indexing or using a Boolean, but use a method that works best with your own program.
When you check for vowels it may be handy to create a string vowels = “aeiouAEIOU”
and use in vowels to check if a character is a vowel (is the character in the string named
c) In this simplified version assume that the Gibberish syllable is exactly two characters
d) For your resulting word start with an empty string and add characters onto it as you
process characters from the original word.
2. Now go back and add error checking to make sure the user is entering valid data and that the
word entered actually has a usable vowel to make Gibberish out of. Provide user instructions
both when starting the program and if you get invalid input (numbers or punctuation in the
word). Try to anticipate every possible error a user could make including “kitty at the
3. After that, add the second Gibberish syllable and allow Gibberish syllables longer than two
a) A Boolean to keep track of whether you have already made a substitution for the first
Gibberish syllable will be useful, e.g. done_with_first_vowel = False
b) I found slicing useful for longer Gibberish syllables.
4. Add the wildcard ability after you’ve completed the above steps.
5. Finally, add handling of the special case of consecutive vowels. For most people this is the
hardest part of the program. It doesn’t add much Python code, but until you see it the logic can
be elusive. Try to map it out with a flowchart and pseudocode first. I used a variable named
previous_character that held the previous character so when I was looking at a new character I
could check whether the previous character had been a vowel.
The string library has a couple of useful tools. If you add import string at the beginning of your program,
string.digits and string.ascii_letters are strings that contain all the digits (0 through 9) and all the letters
(uppercase and lowercase).
1. Code:– your source code solution (remember to include the date, project number
and comments in this file). Be sure to use “” for the file name. Be sure to add
comments to your code to help me understand it.
2. Pseudocode: pseudo05.doc – your pseudocode solution to the problem in a Microsoft Word
file. Be sure to use proper indentation and “program” in English (or your first language of
choice with an English translation).
3. Flowchart: flow05-partX.jpg – your flowchart solution in an image file format (jpg, png,
etc.) Be sure to use the proper shapes for each type of statement in your program. Each
separate function created should have its own flow image (numbered as flow05-part1.jpg,
flow05-part2.jpg, etc.).
Your work will be evaluated according to the following rubric:
0 Points
Did not submit a
possible solution
1 Points
Errors in
code prevent
2 Points
Code runs without errors
and sufficient unit
testing is evident, but
insufficient comments
3 Points
Code runs, is fully tested,
and includes sufficient
comments and/or
supporting documentation
0 Points
Did not submit a
possible solution
0 Points
Errors in
logic prevent
0.5 Points
Minor issues with
pseudocode spacing,
indentation, or
pseudocode is actual
1 Points
Pseudocode is complete,
thorough, and fully solves
problem presented.
0 Points
Did not submit a
possible solution
0 Points
Errors in
flow prevent
0.5 Points
Minor issues with shape
selection, arrows, or
multiple entry or exit
points for code
1 Points
Flowchart is complete,
covers every possible use
case, and uses correct
Example Output:
(Make sure to explain rules!)
Enter your first Gibberish syllable (add * for the vowel substitute): i3
Syllable must only contain letters or a wildcard ('*'): ip
Enter the second Gibberish syllable (* for vowel substitute): *zz
Please enter a word you want to translate:
--> Gibberish
Your final word:
Play again? (y/n) m
Please enter y to continue or n to quit: n
Thanks for playing!
Assignment 5: Gibberish
This assignment is worth 5 points and must be completed and turned in before 11:59 on Monday,
December 9th.
In this assignment you will practice with strings, conditionals and loops (for, while).
In many languages, there are games that people play to make normal speech sound incomprehensible,
except for a few people who are part of the game. Instead of creating a completely new language,
certain sounds are added to words following rules only known to those who are playing, so that anyone
else listening will hear only “gibberish” or nonsense words. For some basic examples, see
We are going to create some simple rules for translating normal English into Gibberish. A common
rule is to add sounds to each syllable, but since syllables are difficult to detect in a simple program,
we’ll use a rule of thumb: every vowel denotes a new syllable. Since we are adding a Gibberish
syllable to each syllable in the original words, we must look for the vowels.
To make things more unique, we will have two different Gibberish syllables to add. The first Gibberish
syllable will be added to the first syllable in every word, and a second Gibberish syllable will be added
to each additional syllable. For example, if our two Gibberish syllables were “ib” and “ag”, the word
“program” would translate to “pribogragam.”
In some versions of Gibberish, the added syllable depends on the vowels in a word. For example, if we
specify “*b” that means we use the vowel in the word as part of the syllable: e.g. “dog” would become
“dobog” (inserting “ob” where the “*” is replaced by the vowel “o”) and “cat” would become “cabat”
(inserting “ab” where “a” is used). Note that the “*” can only appear at the beginning of the syllable
(to make your programming easier).
After the Gibberish syllables are specified, prompt the user for the word to translate. As you process
the word, make sure you keep track of two things. First, if the current letter is a vowel, add a Gibberish
syllable only if the previous letter was not also a vowel. This rule allows us to approximate syllables:
translating “weird” with the Gibberish syllable “ib” should become “wibeird”, not “wibeibird”.
Second, if we’ve already added a Gibberish syllable to the current word, add the secondary syllable to
the remaining vowels. How can you use Booleans to handle these rules?
Finally, print the Gibberish word. Afterwards, ask the user if they want to play again, and make sure
their response is an acceptable answer (“yes”/“no”, “y”/“n”). Make sure to check the validity for all
of your user inputs throughout the program. Don’t let bad input create errors.
Your program will:
1. Print a message explaining the game.
2. Prompt for two Gibberish syllables (indicate the allowed wildcard character “*”).
3. Prompt for a word to translate.
4. Process the word and add the syllables where appropriate.
5. Print the final word, and ask if the user wants to play again.
Notes and Hints:
You should start with this program, as with all programs, by breaking the program down into parts.
1. Getting started: Simplify!
a) First solve the program using a single Gibberish syllable, without checking for multiple
vowels in a row or using the wildcard (“*”). This means that “weird” with the “ib”
syllable will become “wibeibird” (that will not be correct in the final version, but good
enough for starting your program: simplify!).
b) You will need to decide how you will check for vowels. Good possibilities are string
indexing or using a Boolean, but use a method that works best with your own program.
When you check for vowels it may be handy to create a string vowels = “aeiouAEIOU”
and use in vowels to check if a character is a vowel (is the character in the string named
c) In this simplified version assume that the Gibberish syllable is exactly two characters
d) For your resulting word start with an empty string and add characters onto it as you
process characters from the original word.
2. Now go back and add error checking to make sure the user is entering valid data and that the
word entered actually has a usable vowel to make Gibberish out of. Provide user instructions
both when starting the program and if you get invalid input (numbers or punctuation in the
word). Try to anticipate every possible error a user could make including “kitty at the
3. After that, add the second Gibberish syllable and allow Gibberish syllables longer than two
a) A Boolean to keep track of whether you have already made a substitution for the first
Gibberish syllable will be useful, e.g. done_with_first_vowel = False
b) I found slicing useful for longer Gibberish syllables.
4. Add the wildcard ability after you’ve completed the above steps.
5. Finally, add handling of the special case of consecutive vowels. For most people this is the
hardest part of the program. It doesn’t add much Python code, but until you see it the logic can
be elusive. Try to map it out with a flowchart and pseudocode first. I used a variable named
previous_character that held the previous character so when I was looking at a new character I
could check whether the previous character had been a vowel.
The string library has a couple of useful tools. If you add import string at the beginning of your program,
string.digits and string.ascii_letters are strings that contain all the digits (0 through 9) and all the letters
(uppercase and lowercase).
1. Code:– your source code solution (remember to include the date, project number
and comments in this file). Be sure to use “” for the file name. Be sure to add
comments to your code to help me understand it.
2. Pseudocode: pseudo05.doc – your pseudocode solution to the problem in a Microsoft Word
file. Be sure to use proper indentation and “program” in English (or your first language of
choice with an English translation).
3. Flowchart: flow05-partX.jpg – your flowchart solution in an image file format (jpg, png,
etc.) Be sure to use the proper shapes for each type of statement in your program. Each
separate function created should have its own flow image (numbered as flow05-part1.jpg,
flow05-part2.jpg, etc.).
Your work will be evaluated according to the following rubric:
0 Points
Did not submit a
possible solution
1 Points
Errors in
code prevent
2 Points
Code runs without errors
and sufficient unit
testing is evident, but
insufficient comments
3 Points
Code runs, is fully tested,
and includes sufficient
comments and/or
supporting documentation
0 Points
Did not submit a
possible solution
0 Points
Errors in
logic prevent
0.5 Points
Minor issues with
pseudocode spacing,
indentation, or
pseudocode is actual
1 Points
Pseudocode is complete,
thorough, and fully solves
problem presented.
0 Points
Did not submit a
possible solution
0 Points
Errors in
flow prevent
0.5 Points
Minor issues with shape
selection, arrows, or
multiple entry or exit
points for code
1 Points
Flowchart is complete,
covers every possible use
case, and uses correct
Example Output:
(Make sure to explain rules!)
Enter your first Gibberish syllable (add * for the vowel substitute): i3
Syllable must only contain letters or a wildcard ('*'): ip
Enter the second Gibberish syllable (* for vowel substitute): *zz
Please enter a word you want to translate:
--> Gibberish
Your final word:
Play again? (y/n) m
Please enter y to continue or n to quit: n
Thanks for playing!
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