Complete the test questions. For every test question, it is mandatory to include

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Complete the test questions (6-10).  For every test question, it is mandatory to include at least 1 paragraph explaining why the answer is chosen and the explanation must demonstrate your understanding of the concept.  Note that no points will be awarded if only the answer is selected without the explanation. Please refer to the instructions for the week 2 assignment or the Instructor Policies for information regarding use of outside sources.

The document should follow APA format. Any sources used, including the textbook, must be cited properly and a reference page should be included.

Please highlight the correct answer in red, and provide a paragraph explanation (4-5 sentences) for each answer. 

I have attached the original chapter for referencing, and the document that needs to be filed out with answers. This is for the C# language. 

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1 Chapter Tests: 7 Learning Team C .NET II/POS409 April 18, 2016 Carole McKinney 2 Read each question carefully and select the answer or answers that represent the best solution to the problem. You can find the answers in Appendix A, “Answers to Chapter Test Questions.” 6. Which collection would you use if you need to quickly find an element by its key rather than its index? a. Dictionary b. List c. SortedList d. Queue 7. Which ADO.NET object is used to connect to a database? a. Database b. Connection c. Command d. DataAdapter 8. Which properties of an ADO.NET Command object must you set to execute a stored procedure? a. CommandTypeStoredProcedureNameParameters b. IsStoredProcedureCommandTypeStoredProcedureNameParameters c. CommandTypeCommandTextParameters d. IsStoredProcedureCommandTextParameters 9. Which Command object’s method would you use to execute a query that does not return any results? a. ExecuteNonQuery b. ExecuteDataReader c. ExecuteScalar d. Execute 10. Which Command object’s method would you use to execute a query that returns only one row and one column? a. ExecuteNonQuery b. ExecuteDataReader c. ExecuteScalar d. Execute 3 References This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, triple click your mouse on this line of text and replace the information with your reference entry. You can use the Reference and Citation Examples (Center for Writing Excellence>Tutorials and Guides>Reference and Citation Examples) to help format your source information into a reference entry. University of Phoenix. (2013). MCSD Certification Toolkit Exam 70-483. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, POS409 - .NET II website. Be sure to include references if you use direct quotes or paraphrases from any source.
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