Wayland Baptist University Mathematics Questions

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Wayland Baptist University

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Need help with my Mathematics question - I’m studying for my class.

a. The company's book value.

b. Its book value per share.

c. The stock's earnings per share (EPS).

d. The dividend payout ratio.

e. The dividend yield on the common stock. 

f. The dividend yield on the preferred stock.

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12/18/2019 Data Table (Click on the icon here in order to copy its contents of the data table below into a spreadsheet.) Total assets Total debt Preferred stock Common stockholders' equity Net profit after taxes Number of preferred stock outstanding Number of common stock outstanding Preferred dividends paid Common dividends paid Market price of the preferred stock Market price of the common stock $213 million $107 million $18 million $88 million $21.4 million 1.5 million shares 15 million shares $1.25/share $0.54/share $32.71/share $27.08/share https://www.mathxl.com/Student/PlayerHomework.aspx?homeworkId=550188076&questionId=3&flushed=false&cId=5766865¢erwin=yes 1/1
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cnbyngbynab (1139)

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