Cloud Management

User Generated


Business Finance

CCA 620

Abraham Lincoln University



Step 1: Review the Procurement Process

Procurement refers to the process of selecting vendors, establishing payment terms, strategic vetting, selection, the negotiation of contracts and actual purchasing of goods, services, and other work vital to an organization.

A request for proposals or RFP is part of the procurement cycle. It provides an overview and background of the company, the relevant financial information, the define the requirements section, including availability requirements and business requirements, and the administrative information about the bidding process. The RFP specifies the type of contract that you wish cloud vendors to respond with (firm-fixed-price, cost-plus, or cost-plus-award-fee).

A subset of the RFP, the statement of work (SOW), lays the groundwork for the project. It includes and defines all aspects of the project, such as activities, deliverables, and the timetable, and any relevant information on the existing technical environment.

image representing a business contract.George Ian?a/Art Images/Getty Images

Procurement 101

Before moving to Step 2, take some time to become acquainted with the basics of the procurement process and discuss the elements of procurement with your colleagues in Discussion: Procurement Process Review.

Step 2: Review BallotOnline's RFP for Web Services

For this stage of the procurement process, you will assume the role of the bid and proposal manager at a vendor providing cloud migration services for the AWS platform. Your final deliverable will be a proposal in response to the web application services RFP posted by BallotOnline.

Boilerplate language contains key legal provisions that can affect the enforceability of an RFP. It is important to have a basic understanding of boilerplate language and how it is used in an RFP.

You may want to review sample boilerplate language used in RFPs and RFP responses before moving on to the next step.

Take Note

Before beginning your proposal, fully examine the web services RFP posted by BallotOnline so you understand the project requirements, including security, financial, regulatory, and technical issues that will need to be considered in your proposal response.

Step 3: Identify the Key Components of the RFP Response

You have shared BallotOnline's requirements with your colleagues, and your organization has decided to move forward with writing a proposal.

It is now time to identify the key components of an RFP response. Those components will include technical aspects as well as costs and personnel considerations. The financial proposal should outline all costs associated with implementing the technical proposal.

You should also keep the AWS features and offerings and cloud service provider (CSP) pricing issues in mind.

In the next step, you will start working on your draft RFP response.

Step 4: Mapping the RFP Requirements

It is important that your proposal addresses the specific details outlined in the RFP. You should create a two-column table breaking down your proposal to map to each component of the RFP.

Review the RFP from BallotOnline and prepare an RFP mapping document. Submit this document for review.


tep 5: Begin Drafting Your Individual RFP Response

Although you will not submit your response to the dropbox at this time, you should take time to organize your thoughts and begin writing the final proposal now, as you will discuss your proposed response with peers in the next step.

Use the RFP Response Template to write your draft RFP response.

Your RFP Response Proposal should include enough details to assure the reviewer that your proposal can address all aspects of the requirements. The most common reasons that a proposal is rejected include not addressing a specific requirement or not providing enough details on how the vendor can meet a requirement or plan to meet a requirement.

It is acceptable for the RFP response proposal to have a statement, "Proposed solution meets this requirement" when addressing specific requirements that are outside the scope of this course.

Step 6: Discuss Your Proposed RFP Response With Colleagues

With your draft now ready, the next step is to discuss your RFP response with your colleagues. Proposal writing is a process, and several iterations may be necessary to meet the client's needs. Take a moment to discuss your proposed RFP response with your colleagues in the Discussion: Proposed RFP Response forum. However, do not share your actual RFP response in the discussion.

After the discussion, it's time for the final step, in which you will put together your individual final RFP response.

Step 7: Submit the Final RFP Response

At this point, you should have a much better understanding of how vendors will respond to a cloud RFP and the type of information that you can expect to see in their proposals. As a professional in the cloud computing field, you will need to review and understand both technical and cost proposals, and make the best decision for your organization.

It is now time to put everything together in the final RFP response to submit to BallotOnline for review.

Complete your RFP response and submit it via the dropbox below.

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them in your work.

  • 1.7: Create neat and professional looking documents appropriate for the project or presentation.
  • 5.1: Evaluate the Business IT needs of an organization.
  • 5.2: Propose strategies the organization can employ using cloud solutions to enhance organizational effectiveness.
  • 6.1: Articulate the systems architecture of the cloud - cloud infrastructure, cloud service, cloud platform, and cloud storage.
  • 6.8: Review, evaluate, and utilize emerging technologies related to cloud to support business needs.

  • 7.2: Examine industry best-practices and standards.
  • 9.4: Acquire cloud service / Manage cloud procurement project.
  • 9.5: Design virtualized network infrastructure to meet business needs.
  • 9.6: Design cloud storage infrastructure to meet business needs.

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Explanation & Answer


CompuData Inc.
[ ]

Contact Person: Roland Kpundeh

Response to Request for Proposal for Ballot Online Website Cloud
Date of Proposal: 24/10/2019

Table of Contents
Transmittal Letter...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Executive Summary ...........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Technical Proposal .............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
General Cloud-Specific Requirements ..............................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Privacy and Compliance Requirements .............................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Monitoring and Reporting Requirements ..........................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Invoicing Requirements .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
End of Contract Requirements ...........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Cost Proposal .....................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Budget ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Project Planning and Organisation.....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Project Schedule.................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Key personnel and Staffing ................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Company Qualifications ....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Corporate Structure ............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Experience and References ................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Contract Management ........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Performance Reporting ......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Vendor Responsibilities .....................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Documentation, Training, Security ....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Documentation ...................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Training ..............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Security ..............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Transmittal Letter
Agreement Analyst/Purchasing Agent
Global IT Building, 4474 Campus LN
Upper Marlboro MD
Dear Ms. John,
CompuData Inc. is composing this transmittal letter to the Federal administration of the United
States of America and BallotOnline as an expense and specialized proposition reaction to the
Request for Proposal for BallotOnline Website Cloud Migration. As a glad accomplice of
BallotOnline, CompuData has been in the association since 2010. The necessities of
BallotOnline are completely comprehended by the organization in view of the rich experience
earned after quite a long while of association.
We believe that the necessities of the Federal government and BallotOnline are met in our reaction.
Our solicitation likewise sums to being educated if there should be an occurrence of any
progressions or inadequacy with the reaction offered so as to make the fundamental changes.

As CompuData, we thank you for this chance to react to the RFP. We are resolved to keep on
cooperating so as to assist our organization.

Robert Warsame,
Ranking director, CompuData Inc.

Executive Summary
This reaction to the RFP incorporates subtleties of our ability, experience, valuing strategy and
key staff significant to the proposed advancement. This is a chance to give improvement
consultancy administrations to Ballot Online, which will proceed with our conveyance of greatness
in the progression of network advancement around the world.

AWS Inc. has been on the bleeding edge, the extent that offers of one of a kind and quality
administrations are concerned. These items are once in a while outmatched with those from
adversary organizations, which causes a change when it comes to the high changing expenses to
different items. This implies the purchaser bartering force is low, just as the risk of substitute items.
The reason for the organization to be framed among Ballot Online and Compu Data Inc. is intended
to use quality data frameworks that are intended to improve the organization's information the
board and improve staff execution (Al-Bayari,2018).


Technical Proposal
General Cloud-Specific Requirements

As referenced in the official rundown, Ballot Online means to help CompuData Inc. with the
relocation of the organization's site from an on-premise facilitating stage and give Infrastructure
as a Service (IaaS). Through the organization's length, Ballot Online will encourage the
arrangement of cloud administrations to three independent and non-subsidiary substances of which
have in any event 1,000,000 every day dynamic clients.

The senior obtainment official will furnish processing arrangements that line up with the
fundamental qualities as characterized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) working definition. This administration will give the capacity to BallotOnline to
arrangement pages without seller audit or endorsement. The capacities are accessible over the
system and got to through standard instruments that advance the utilization of heterogeneous
dainty and thick customer stages including cell phones, PCs, and PDAs. A base data transfer
capacity of 1 GB will be actualized between the administration and outer associations (Langmead

The administration gave will give perceivability, observing, and authority over significant
administrations that is the cloud watch. An open cloud with area name. This
depends on the AWS Route 53 space facilitating administration. The Offeror will record and
exhibit intelligent information disengagement all through all parts of the framework's usefulness
and organization.

Procurement table
General Requirement
Essential Characteristic
The Offeror will give the capacity to Ballot On-request self-administration – A Ballot
Online to arrangement and deprovision site Online organization can make arrangements
pages without merchant survey or approval.






communicating with the specialist co-op.
without requiring human interaction.
The Offeror will use web data transmission of Our arrangement offers board system access
at any rate 1GB between the administration with the abilities over the system and got to
and outside connections.

through standard instruments that advance use
by heterogeneous slim or thick customer


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