evaluate a argumentative essay

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Concorde Career College



Using the Learning Resource Center, Concorde’s resource library- https://www.galepages.com/miss22358 (Links to an external site.), and other academically appropriate sources, write a short essay evaluating an argument.


  • Evaluate an argumentative essay.  


  • Complete Critical Thinking and Writing Activity #3 at the end of Chapter 17. Make sure you identify the periodical piece you chose and fully answer the questions in the activity.

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Once you have finished learning and practicing strategies for argumentation, there may be more to think about. Consider how to apply what you have learned in the following situations. 1. Photo Op: The chapter’s opening page contains a photograph of crosses in front of a nuclear power plant—an image of an argument. Consider another controversial issue, and find or create an image that similarly makes a claim about that issue. 2. Living Today: What role does argument play in our daily lives and decisions? Reflect on an area of your life where you rely on arguments—consumer purchases, politics, sports, and so on. Examine the arguments that you make in that area of life, as well as the arguments that you listen to: do they follow sound argumentation strategies? 3. Public texts. Editorials in periodicals are often brief arguments. Find, read, and analyze an editorial on an issue that interests you: a. What approach does the editorial take—Toulmin, Rogerian, something else? b. How does the editorial present and address opposing points of view? c. In what ways does the editorial appeal to ? d. How does it build credibility? e. What is the editorial’s main claim? Is it a claim of truth, value, or policy? f. What arguments does the editorial offer to support that claim? Is the reasoning logical? Are the warrants behind the reasoning sound? g. What types of evidence does the writer provide to support his or her reasoning? In its appeals to pathos f. g. h. Is the evidence valid, sufficient, current, and accurate? h. How would you characterize the overall success or failure for this argument?
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Evaluate an Argumentative Essay
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Evaluate an Argumentative Essay
Photo Op
The image that I identified that represents a controversial issue is one that was shot by
Kevin Carter of a famine-stricken boy and a vulture eyeing him from a distance. The image was
captured in South Sudan and was believed to depict the boy trying to reach a United Nations
feeding center. The image was taken in 1993, and it is believed that the child survived. The
image depicts a controversial issue since the child was in dire need of food and water. However,
the photographer decided to take the photo instead of helping the child. Carter took his own life a
few months after he won a Pulitzer Prize for the photograph.

Living Today
Today, arguments play critical roles in our daily lives and decisions we mak...

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