Critical analysis of ethical issues in marketing

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Business Finance


Write an essay on one of the following topics:

1) In the last few decades, marketing has been criticized for contributing to unsustainable economic growth, resource depletion, environmental damage and accelerated climate change effects.

Using examples, you should discuss the different types of ethical issues associated with the marketing mix. In your answer you should reflect on how marketing criticisms have changed over time, and on some of the biggest worries associated with CSR.

2) Exploiting consumer vulnerability is a serious ethical concern and marketing has been criticized for using deceptive tactics to reach the most vulnerable consumers.

Using examples, you should discuss the ways in which marketers target vulnerable consumers and the ethical issues associated with marketing to vulnerable consumers. In your answer you should explain which consumer groups are most vulnerable and reflect on the factors that contribute to experiencing vulnerability.

The essay should provide evidence of critical evaluation by reflecting on the literature and linking it to practice. The answer should be supported by relevant examples.

Finally, your answer should also provide a reflection on these ethical issues from the

perspective of consumers by discussing:

(1) Consumers’ responses to unethical marketing practices

(2) Consumers’ coping strategies with vulnerability

Examples of the topics discussed include: CSR, Marketing ethics, Ethical consumption, Consumer vulnerability, Marketing of harmful products and medical marketing or Ethics in new media.

Explanation & Answer:
2000 words
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Explanation & Answer



Unethical Marketing: Exploiting Consumer Vulnerability
Student Name
Professor’s Name




A conventional belief in the ethics of marketing is that it is morally unacceptable to
market products to vulnerable individuals in certain ways that are likely to take advantage of
their weaknesses. Marketing scholars like George Brenkert defended this position and provided
the first insight that led to its inclusion in marketing ethics. The discussions below will try to
critically examine by throwing new ideas on marketing to the vulnerable populations. Immoral
marketing practices like manipulation and deception are already harming the vulnerable
consumers within the market, as a result of a lack of agreed moral standards that marketers can
apply to these specific customers. This paper aims to identify different ways that marketers
intentionally or unintentionally use to exploit vulnerable consumers. The introduction provides
an overview of consumer vulnerability. The discussions include different groups of vulnerable
consumers concerning health, the elderly, physical disability, infertile, and subscription-based
consumers. There is also a discussion of the different ways that consumers respond and cope
with vulnerability and unethical marketing practices. Lastly, the paper provides a conclusion and
the recommendations towards addressing consumer vulnerability.



Is it morally acceptable to sell products to vulnerable individuals like the poor, young and
elderly? Most marketers can answer the question above by saying that any marketing ethics that
will advocate for the elimination of marketing to these individuals will appear to be restrictive. It
is advisable for marketers targeting vulnerable populations, be it children or the elderly, to put
people first before the profits, if at all they are to get any profits. Vulnerability is a condition that
affects or is likely to affect human beings at some point in their lives. We can categorise
vulnerability as being sporadic, temporary or permanent, and is highly unpredictable and
dynamic. Vulnerable customers are, therefore, those individuals whose individual circumstances
make them defenseless to harm, especially when a particular organization does not enact the
appropriate measures to ensure the care and safety of its consumers (Dunnett, Hamilton &
Piacentini, 2018). The occurrence of consumer vulnerability is inevitable, and at some point,
may affect a large share of the brand’s consumers.

Vulnerability and Marketing and Consumer Responses
A certain brand’s consumer could be vulnerable because of such issues as dementia or a
short-term injury. Marketers should, therefore, find better ways to communicate with such
individuals so that they will not feel alienated because of their needs. Most marketers, however,
agree that social responsibility and marketing ethics that promote the targeting of these groups
with marketin...

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