Objective type SAT problems help

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trne fvatre



A particle moves 80 cm South in 0.12 seconds and then 60 cm West in 0.08 seconds. What is the magnitude of the average velocity of the particle?

A) 700 cm/s 
B) 1417 cm/s 
C) 500 cm/s 
D) 250 cm/s 
E) 709 cm/s

When a car's speed changes from 20 m/s to 40 m/s, its kinetic energy 

A) stays the same 
B) is doubled 
C) is halved 
D) is tripled 
E) is quadrupled

Vectors u and v have magnitudes of 15 and 7 units respectively. What is the possible highest value of the magnitude of the vector 3u - 2v? 
A) 31 units 
B) 45 units 
C) 66 units 
D) 59 units 
E) 8 units

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Explanation & Answer

Answer for 3rdThe magnitude of vector 3u is equal to 3*15 = 45 and the magnitude of -2v is equal to 2*14 = 14 The magnitude is maximum when vectors 3u and -2v are p...

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