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Computer Science

Harvard University


Option #1: Business Intelligence Implementation Plan

You are a project manager leading a BI solution implementation to solve an issue with analyzing big data. The planning and analysis plan have been completed and implementation is about to start. You have been asked by the stakeholder to outline the plan for implementation. Your outline should include:

  • The process to manage the implementation phase
  • Testing plans and resources
  • Technical and non-technical documentation for users and developers
  • The process to mitigate risks, resources, and timelines if issues arise with moving configurations to different environments.

Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length and conform to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.). Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Option #2: Business Intelligence User Adoption Plan

You are a project manager leading a BI solution implementation. The planning, analysis, and implementation processes are complete and the BI solution is ready to use. You have been asked by the stakeholder to outline the plan for post implementation and user adoption of the BI solution. Your outline should include:

  • The process to manage any risks and issues of the BI solutions identified
  • The process to manage new enhancements or configuration changes for the BI solution
  • The process to train new users and provide continual training on the BI solution.

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Explanation & Answer

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Business Intelligence User Adoption Plan
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Business Intelligence User Adoption Plan
Planning, analysis and implementation of a business intelligence strategy for any firm can
be a challenging task. In most cases, once the BI strategy has been implemented, it can be met
with rejection for the fear of loss jobs and its adoptability (Trieu, 2017). Once a BI has been
implemented, there is need to present it to employees in a way that they can understand as well
as design it such that it is effective to the organization. Therefore, this essay outlines a plan for
post implementation and user adoption of the BI solution.
After a BI syste...

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