PSY 622 He Speaks Not Yet He Says Everything Summary

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psy 622



Read and review "He Speaks Not, Yet He Says Everything; What of That?: Text, Context, and Pretext in State v. Jeffrey Dahmer." In a 750-1,000-word essay, do the following:

  1. Analyze how the theories of psychopathology could explain the behavior of Jeffrey Dahmer.
  2. Consider whether psychopathology could provide any aid to persons such as Jeffrey Dahmer.

Provide two to three peer-reviewed sources to support your claims.

Explanation & Answer:
750 Words
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Explanation & Answer

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Running head: CASE STUDY


Case Study
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Jeffrey Dahmer captured the attention of the nation in January 1992 when he admitted to
killing over ten victims but claimed that he was not liable for their deaths based on the grounds
of mental illness. Thus, he claimed that because of the illness, he was incapacitated to conform
his actions to the law’s requirements (O'Meara, 2009). He went further to claim that he was a
victim of psychological disturbance. For this reason, the study aims to discuss the behavior of the
serial killer using the theories of psychopathology. It will also take into account whether
psychopathology could offer any help to individuals, including Jeffrey Dahmer.
Theories of psychopathology
The theories of psychopathology are biological, psychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioral, as
well as socio-cultural. In essence, the biological
Biological Approach
Most notably, this model believes that disorders usually have a physical or organic cause.
It majors on the genetics, neuroanatomy, neurotransmitters, as well as neurophysiology (Mcleod,
2018). It proposes that mental disorders are associated with the physical structure as well as the
functioning of the brain. Importantly, this approach hinges on the nature perspective and is
instrumental in determining the reasons behind the behavior of psychopaths (Haworth). MRI
scans have shown the electrical activity coupled with the development, size, and structure of the
brain from the late 70s to the present day. It has been established t...

I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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