Global Policy Ubers Business Model Discussion

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A minimum of 3 content pages plus a title page and reference page in APA format (an abstract is not required). You must have at least 3 current peer-reviewed sources.

Select and explore Uber's business model. Review and discuss its business/global topics as it relates to global policies. Topics include:

Explore its international/global policy as it relates to stakeholders

Explanation & Answer:
3 pages
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Explanation & Answer



Introduction to Global Policy
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Introduction to Global Policy
Uber is one of the fastest-growing and expanding companies, not only in the United
States but also in other countries all over the world. The company started in 2009 in California as
a company that was offering transportation services to its customers. It employed licensed and
experienced drivers where it started growing drastically and developed a ride-sharing mobile
application. Currently, Uber still has its headquarters in San Francisco, California. The company
employs more than 16,000 employees who benefit from it directly and thousands of others who
benefit indirectly. In 2018, Uber had annual revenue of approximately $2.8 billion and a net
profit of $891 million. Uber has its presence in 85 countries and about 903 cities in all over the
world. Uber earns its revenue from the fare charged on the passengers who use Uber cars.
Drivers provide the cars and subscribe to the Uber platform as drivers. On the other hand,
passengers download Uber's mobile application and register. The drivers and the passengers
interact through the app. Uber and the drivers share the fare charged where the drivers get 80%
and Uber 20% of the fare charged (Chen et al., 2017).
Uber's Global/International Policy as it Relates to Stakeholders
Uber is a company that has a global presence in more than eighty countries all over the
world. In some countries like China, Ube...

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