- How will digital currencies like BitCoin fit into our future economy? Include a discussion of Facebook's plans to launch a digital currency called Libra.
- What plans do the Chinese government have for introducing a digital currency? How would it work and how would it affect China's electronic payment platforms?
Chapter 11
Why are Google, Apple, Tesla, Fitbit, Dyson, and Intel considered innovative? Be sure to specifically address each one. How did branding play a role in that perception? For which brands do you think it played the biggest role? Be sure to explain. What other brands would you nominate as most innovative today? Why? What role did branding play in your judgment for those brands?
Chapter 7
Analyze and describe how social media could influence each stage of the Customer Decision Journey for a customer deciding where to go on vacation. Please be specific and cover each stage. Use the modified customer decision journey not the traditional journey.

Explanation & Answer

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Finance and Marketing Discussions 4
While any cryptocurrency aims to avoid the established financial system, the
Chinese digital currency will be the epitome of governmental control. China has toyed with
the idea of launching a digital Yuan since 2014. Even if it used the same technology that
cryptocurrencies use, the digital currency would be issued and supported by the Po...