ISOL 633 University of the Cumberlands Legal Regulations Essay

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Computer Science

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The concept of consumer privacy has evolved from the idea of personal privacy, it is important to note there is no explicit protection for this in the U.S. Constitution.  However, it has been considered to be an essential right in a number of legal decisions, beginning in the 1920s.

Legislation in Europe has enforced high standards of data privacy protection, but data privacy protection in the United States has been primarily the domain of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), whose regulations only require companies to disclose their corporate privacy policies to their customers. The FTC can take legal action against companies that violate customer privacy policies or companies that compromise their customers' sensitive personal information.

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The question is this:  given the ever-growing number of data breaches in the US, Is this sufficient, or should there be new laws enacted to secure privacy?  Should we strive for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing along with the existing rights the right to privacy? 

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Running head: DISCUSSION


Legal Regulations, Investigation and Compliance




An assessment of the current legal landscape in the US specifically on the issue of
securing privacy shows that the nation is lacking in its efforts. This can be seen by the numerous
data breaches that have hit the nation’s corporations and the numerous numbers of individuals
affected by these cases. Therefore although various legislations that have been enacted to
address the issue of data privacy, the US does not have sufficient laws securing privacy and
needs a constitutional amendment that will safeguard the people’s right to privacy.
According to (2019), the legal landscape in the US does not have principal
legislation that seeks to protect person...

Qeiny (49697)
Rice University

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